In which I rediscover the fanfic love and wibble about exercise

Jun 21, 2011 22:27

I less-than-3 the Archive of Our Own so much. Specifically the ability to download in .mobi format and put things on my Kindle. It is so much love. Last night, after checking that my bank account hadn't been emptied and doing a bit of house-keeping on some stuff, I decided that what I really needed was some lovely long plotty fanfic.

I now have the first few stories in a long, plotty Harry Potter thing. And a long, fluffy X-Men:First Class thing (what? sometimes I like fluff too!). Plus the next part in a lovely long, plotty Glee femslash fic that I love like pie. They're all on my Kindle and it is fabulous.

By the way, why are there so few long, plotty femslash things? Even fandoms with big femslash pairings tend towards shorter stuff. How does femslash always end up short and often less-than-plotty, while slash, het and gen all have tons of gorgeously long, plotty fics?

Somewhere in my brain I have fics. They will not transfer to paper. I have the Orient Express in space story (Eleven, Amy, Rory, slightly psychic little girls and murderous Egyptian goddesses) and Five Time Jenny Rescued Madame Vastra (cross-dressing interspecies lesbian romances FTW!) rattling around in there but I cannot seem to put all the bits and bobs together into coherent stories. Why is my brain so stupid?

Perhaps being dead tired from back pain is a partial cause. If I could just get some sleep...

Mum and I went for a walk when I got home from work yesterday. I suspect that this may be a regular thing any day that it is dry and we don't have things to rush off for. It turns out that a doctor telling Mum to exercise to lose weight doesn't work. A doctor telling her to exercise to improve her cardiac function, however, works really well and she does it. I'm so proud of her.

However, despite me spending over three months doing lots of yoga, aerobic-y stuff, walking and other exercise several times a week, I was out of breath and puffing long before Mum. This anaemia thing sucks so much. When I see the GI guy on Thursday, he definitely needs to order bloodwork to see what my iron and HGB levels are like. If they're still in the toilet, I think we need to start talking shots or IV iron. I'm wondering just how hard I should push myself right now. If I push even harder and try to improve my stamina etc., am I potentially damaging things because there is a definite limit on my blood's oxygen carrying capacity? Or should I be pushing even harder and ignoring the anaemia, trying to get the same results that someone with normal blood would get?

Ack, this stuff is so difficult to figure out.

New!Boss came to our office for his regular bi-weekly status meeting with us. He works in the next province and has to go past a great market on his way over. Last time, he brought exceedingly yummy donuts. The good kind, that are a plain ring covered in sugar. This time he did not bring donuts. There was much woe. We may complain in our meeting this afternoon about the lack of donuts.

Thankfully, my disappointment in the lack of donuts appears to be a good sign that my appetite is coming back. Yesterday was, er, a day when I probably wouldn't have broken 1,000 calories if I hadn't needed to make supper for Mum. She's going to be a good influence on those days, I can tell.

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health, fannish thoughts, fanfic

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