It's possible that I completely overdid things with the cleaning on Saturday. There was a point, late in my sleepless Saturday night thanks to by back, when I started to worry that I'd overdone things so totally that I might not be able to pick Mum up from the airport.
Note to self: never, ever do that again.
I'd crow over my beautifully clean house if I hadn't found a dust patch and a fur bunny two minutes after getting up on Sunday. Argh! Oh, well, it's as done as it could be and Mum didn't appear horrified when she got in.
Thankfully I did get out to fetch her. Although it was a close-run thing and not due to my back. I needed to get some petrol so that my car wouldn't conk out halfway to the airport, so I stopped at the petrol station and filled the car up. All was going quite smoothly until it came time to pay.
We tried my card twice. Both times, it was refused with error messages that made it look like my card had been cloned and used to excess that day. WTF?
Cue much panicking and the lovely attendant letting me borrow their phone to call my bank. After a while on hold, I got through to someone and managed to explain what was happening.
Apparently, they were doing a system update and card, ATM and website facilities were off-line all afternoon. Argh. Two hints that might have made things smoother for me:
1) Issuing some form of warning explaining that card/ATM facilities would be down. By letter. Not via a tiny note at the bottom of the banking website that nobody will ever spot. I'm hoping there was a tiny note that I ignored otherwise this was an even bigger idiocy than it first appears.
2) An error message saying that card facilities are unavailable due to system update. Not a "limit exceeded!!!!" kind of error message. All that does is panic a person.
Thankfully I had a credit card with me to pay for the petrol. After all, it wasn't like I could even go and get some money out at the ATM thanks to the surprise system update. What the hell would have happened to me in that situation? Were the police going to be called to arrest me for stealing petrol because my bank is stupid?
Anyway, I did finally get to leave with my petrol (and a minor heart attack) and tonight I'll be going online to check my account and make sure that my money is still there. After all, the system was down so I couldn't check yesterday!
I appear to be going through another bout of no appetite-ness. I'd just got used to having a normal appetite again! I'm going back to tracking and planning my eats every morning and then sticking to it (in the sense of making myself eat everything I planned) because otherwise I eat less than 1,000 calories a day and that's just not healthy. When I finally put some food in my mouth, I tend to get a tiny bit hungry and eager to eat (it helps if it's yummy food) so forcing myself to eat does work. It's just that I need to remind myself and plan and make myself eat because otherwise I just don't want anything. Oh, body, could you stop sucking so much?
On the bright side, the Air Canada people went back to work on Friday so Mum's flight went smoothly with no hassle. Woo!
On the down side, Canada Post is still on strike so my father did not get his birthday card or Father's Day card. It seemed silly to put them into a mail box by the ocean and have them sitting there (getting soggy) for possibly a number of days. Apparently the NDP is going to slow the debate in Parliament on back to work legislation so it could be many days yet before our mail resumes. Argh.
So glad that all my bills are available (and payable) online. I'm willing to bet most companies will not be accepting the postal strike as a reason why people can't pay their bills, even companies who only issue paper bills and only accept cheques.
In work stuff, it appears that the business analyst on my project is a complete idiot. Also, she has no understanding of basic maths, SQL or when it is appropriate in a project life cycle to gather requirements. Hint: it is considerably before systest and definitely before acceptance testing. I'm sure even my non-programmer f-listies can see why requirements gathering (from the business, rather than the BA's imagination) is supposed to happen before we have built the system. Setting up meetings to gather requirements from the business after my colleague has completed the design documentation (to the BA's requirements, which turn out not to have been discussed with the business) and when I have built and begun systesting of a large chunk of the project is really, really not going to help us to meet our deadlines.
Also, this is the week of many meetings and many work lunches. On the one hand, this may ensure that there is one meal a day that I eat. On the other hand, I'm going to be a wrung out, useless wreck crippled by back pain every evening from the looks of my schedule. Yay?
ETA: All my monies are exactly where they should be! Note to banks: doing system updates on a Sunday afternoon does not guarantee that nobody will need card facilities!
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