Today I was planning to do useful stuff this evening as the company Christmas do is something that I really can't, er, do and so haven't been able to go to. Ice skating is definitely not a me thing, nor is late supper at the comedy club in London with me having to travel at least two hours home afterwards.
Useful hasn't happened tonight, unless you count reading through OTW stuff, finding
Firefox News and messing about with Twitter. Heh.
I am thinking about a fic, though, and Sensible Man should get a few minutes if I start now.
And tomorrow I am working from home because I have another hospital appointment. Podiatry this time, I think. Yayness.
What I really want is to spend tomorrow curled up with a really nice, long fanfic except I will be too busy working. Bleh. On the up side, tomorrow evening it is the archery Christmas party which I'm looking forward to. The last one I went to involved Archery Beetles, which was tremendous fun, and lots of yummy nibbles. Work may be hell at Christmas, but I do really enjoy everything else about Christmas. Seems weird to think that this will be my last English Christmas and next year I will be in Canada.