return of an old icon :)

Aug 04, 2013 20:56

Look, you may know him as Malcolm Tucker, but I still haven't watched In the Thick of It and thus I primarily think of him as Frobisher from Torchwood: Children of Earth. In which he was so stunning, outstanding and moving that I refuse to believe this wasn't the role that got him his third gig in the Whoverse. (The first one being a Roman in Fires of Pompeii.)

Come to think of it, I first saw him as the Angel Islington in Neverwhere, which was also a good performance, but really, Frobisher all the way. Though I have no doubt his Twelve will overturn that.

As you may have gathered by these chaotic ramblings, the next Doctor shall be Peter Capaldi.

Obligatory bigger picture remark: yes, it still sucks they didn't cast a poc and/or woman for a change. But: not only is Peter Capaldi a superb actor, but he's NOT A YOUNG MAN, and I'm really really glad we're taking a break from the youngsters now. Bring back the middle-aged looking Doctors, I say.

(Also: this means Idris Elba still has a shot when Capaldi's run is over.)

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peter capaldi, coe, or rather who is the doctor, torchwood, dr. who

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