
Jan 03, 2013 14:50

Much as there are easy markers by which to divide movieverse Avengers fanfiction written after the movie got actually released from the fanfic written before that based onl the other films and the comics (to wit: does Bruce Banner have a personality and a prominent role in the story? Does Natasha have characterisation and dialogue? Is either of ( Read more... )

robin hood, hobbit, spooks, sherlock, charles ii.

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kate_swynford January 3 2013, 17:53:29 UTC
I love the way your mind works!:) I've finally succumbed to the Armitage Smoulder and I definitely see the potential. Haven't watched Spooks yet, but John Porter (RA's character from Strike Back) is also a good fit.:)


selenak January 3 2013, 17:55:00 UTC
He smoulders so very, very well. I really must get to watching North and South.

ETA: oh, and here's a bit of fandom fusions for you: Richard Armitage reading Ted Hughes' letter about Sylvia Plath's suicide (which he did as part of a radio program about T.H.); the footage the vidder used, otoh, was of Daniel Craig playing Ted Hughes in the film Sylvia:


kate_swynford January 3 2013, 18:44:10 UTC
Btw, can I start with Series 6 of Spooks? (I plan to watch all of them eventually but for some reason want to start with the one where Armitage appears:)) Will I be able to follow it or is it better to watch the first couple of series beforehand?


selenak January 3 2013, 18:54:40 UTC
Well, the first three or four seasons of Spooks are as good as the show ever got (and also playwright Howard Benton wrote most of the scripts for the first two), BUT with the exception of two characters, you're dealing with a completely different ensemble. Spooks is (in)famous for its revolving door (no, they don't all die, some are also allowed to retire from the spying business and stay alive), and there is precisely one character who makes it all the way from s1 to the end without taking a season of, retiring or dying. Which is a complicated way of saying: yes, you can start with s6. It will be confusing at first, but you'll soon figure out who is who. Also since Armitage's character gets newly introduced and nobody ever heard of him before, and the qestion "is he or isn't he a double?" is the big s6 arc, you can cling to that red thread to guide you through.


shezan January 9 2013, 02:30:45 UTC
Armitage appears in S7, shurely?


kate_swynford January 3 2013, 20:12:07 UTC
Lovely vid, thank you. I didn't like the movie very much (although Craig was good, as usual) but the footage works very well with the letter, and Armitage reads it beautifully. Really heartbreaking.


selenak January 4 2013, 08:39:09 UTC
I didn't like the film much, either. (For starters, it managed to capture only the depression and rob Plath of the vitality she by everyone's account had in spades, and also the dialogue had some real clunkers.) But the vid, as you say, works. If you're interested, you can download other parts of the radio programm which had Armitage reciting Hughes, here:



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