
Jan 03, 2013 14:50

Much as there are easy markers by which to divide movieverse Avengers fanfiction written after the movie got actually released from the fanfic written before that based onl the other films and the comics (to wit: does Bruce Banner have a personality and a prominent role in the story? Does Natasha have characterisation and dialogue? Is either of them paired up with another Avenger? If so, it's likely to be written post release and based on the film), it's now easy to separate the Hobbit fanfic written pre movie release from that written post movie release. (Hint: if the central pairing is Bilbo/Thorin an/or if Kili and Fili are involved, and/or if Bofur has dialogue and characterisation, it's based on the movie.) Now, given the phenomenon discussed in this post of writers pairing up characters because their actors played roles involved in a popular slash pairing elsewhere, one pre-release pairing that was subsequently crushed by the mighty tide of Bilbo/Thorin was Bilbo/Smaug.

It occured to me that frustrated Sherlockians need not despair, but rather feel inspired. Because the new popularity of Bilbo/Thorin should free the way, on the same general principle that caused pre-release Bilbo/Smaug, for John Watson/Lucas North (Armitage's character in Spooks), which was clearly meant to be. Lucas North spent years in Russian captivity, being tortured and forming a weird relationship with the torturer in chief. (It just occurs to me: he was Nicholas Brody before Brody got invented.) (Except that the answer to "is he or isn't he a terrorist?" was different.) (I think. I haven't watched the last two seasons yet.) He's in the spy business, which offers at least as much excitement as the consulting detective business, and between his imprisonment and several betrayals and losses of comrades occuring thereafter has enough issues to make Sherlock look like the picture of emotional health, only he's an adult. In conclusion: bring on the John Watson/Lucas North!

(I'm only half joking about this.)

Next: Guy of Gisborne/Lord Shaftebury: or, would the Restoration have survived so much smouldering? Comes complete with the Duke of Buckingham discovering he's really a police inspector at heart.

This entry was originally posted at http://selenak.dreamwidth.org/854490.html. Comment there or here, as you wish.

robin hood, hobbit, spooks, sherlock, charles ii.

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