Back again

Sep 25, 2012 15:57

Back from Budapest, with a three hours stop in Vienna yesterday - just to round off the k.u.k theme, plus all of us had been in Vienna before, so we didn't feel pressured to do more than stroll - which means we arrived in the night, and today was all washing, tidying, mail answering etc. I still haven't caught up with my tv shows, but am working on it.

Meanwhile, I hear Homeland made a killing, pun intended, at the Emmys, which I'm happy about. (Also its winnings are the only thing reconciling me to the fact Breaking Bad didn't win in the respective categories, though it's nice Aaron Paul got his Emmy for best supporting regardless.) After seeing Yuletide nominations have started, I was thrilled that other people have already nominated both Breaking Bad and Homeland, because that left me two free slots, as I would have asked for both. Here's hoping both will get written aplenty!

My own nominations were, as announced, the novel Her Majesty's Will by David Blixt (aka the Will Shakespeare/Kit Marlowe Elizabethan spying fun with main text not sub text), and Bronte literary RPF, because I'm in the mood, and should anyone else be, nominate Patrick, Thackeray, Arthur Nicholls and Mrs. Gaskell, since I already nominated all four siblings, pretty please?

DS9 got requested and allowed this year again, but I'm hesitant as to whether or not I'll offer this year. I already wrote two DS9 prompts in two consecutive years, and the fun of Yuletide for writers as well as readers should be its diversity. So I think my fallback fandom will be the Greek myths and dear Ovid again.

Lastly, have one more Budapest photo, my last sight of the city, so to speak:

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homeland, emmys, her majesty's will, breaking bad, bronte, yuletide

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