Say what?

Jul 13, 2011 18:38

Possibly of interest only to comic book readers:
londonkds linked to Grant Morrison. In which Grant M. tells us that the person who inspired him to become a writer as a kid was, wait for it, Enid Blyton. With her Famous Five novels.


*imagines Grant Morrison's take on the X-Men clad in black leather*

*sees Morrison!Jean, Emma, Scott, Logan and Hank as Famous Five*

*can never unsee*

I should have known. Cassandra Nova is such an Enid Blyton supervillain, and zomg, the whole disguised identity thing Magneto pulls... :)

In other news, he also says, re: his run of Superman, that he's aiming for "a Bruce Springsteen version of Superman, that’s the angle we’re taking." This should please
likeadeuce and I think I can actually see what he's getting at, and it fits. Springsteen/Clark Kent OTP! Of course, it's Springsteen as interpreted by Grant Morrison. And I'm back with Enid Blyton as Grant's unsuspected muse...

This entry was originally posted at Comment there or here, as you wish.

bruce springsteen, superman, enid blyton, x-men, grant morrison

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