
Jul 13, 2011 10:39

One of the best summaries of the Murdoch/his papers/politicians affair online so far.

Fanfic recs:


You are a runner and I am my father's son: post season 3 tale which satisfies various of my fictional cravings, most of all that it doesn't treat Arthur's love for Gwen and Merlin as competitive or mutually exclusive but in addition and support of each other. *waves OT3 flag* (The only complaint I have is my usual one in Arthur-finds-out tales, not particular to this one. Sooner or later I'll probably get around to writing my own version so I do something constructive instead of just murmuring to myself that what Arthur needs to deal with most in such a case isn't "Merlin is a sorceror and lied to me" or even "what I thought about magic was wrong" but "if what I thought about magic and magic users is wrong, what does this mean regarding the many people to whose death I actively or indirectly contributed?") Also there is hilarious Gwaine and an imaginative use of one particular bit of Arthurian myth.


A summer so late in coming: in which Charles and Erik, post X3 (the tag scene to that film makes it possible), and due to a certain change in New York State law, get their happy ending at long last. Of sorts. It's the kind of story that can easily go wrong and treacly if unbalanced but here it's just perfect, with the bittersweetness very appropriate to the characters.

The Raven, the Rooks and the Lantern: a Narnia crossover, in which young Charles and Raven go through a certain wardrobe.


Jane Espenson writes about the first episode of Miracle Day:

This exchange kills me: "Should I be dead?" asks Gwen's dad. "I don't know, Dad," she replies.

Gwen's inability to NOT be honest in that moment just ... wow. It's a great example of writing without poetry. "I don't know" looks on the page like it's a nothing line, but it is an honest reaction and that's worth a lot more than her saying something inspiring and then repeating it with less certainty, which is the stock (and poetic) way to go here. "You'll be perfect, Dad. Perfect." No.

You said it, Jane.

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merlin, md, x-men, torchwood, fanfic recs

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