Of awesomeness and slander

Jul 13, 2010 18:04

First of all, my newspaper informs me that today is Patrick Stewart's 70th birthday. I was lucky enough to see him on stage four times so far (one Ibsen and three Shakespeares), and hope for more; having done a Picard post rather recently, I picked a clip of his performance as Claudius in the RSC Hamlet instead to demonstrate his acting awesomeness ( Read more... )

patrick stewart, meme

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Comments 32

nevacaruso July 13 2010, 16:12:38 UTC
That domestic violence PSA was so raw and real. Wow.

I first saw Patrick Stewart in the X-Men movies (rather than in Star Trek, which I never watched as a kid), but I thought he was amazing, and I still do. Happy birthday, Sir Patrick!


selenak July 13 2010, 18:30:14 UTC
It so was. Incidentally, the comments under it at YouTube are just horrid, by and large. There are a few trolls who keep going on about domestic violence by women against men and how Patrick Stewart is a tool for not speaking about that instead, I kid you not.


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selenak July 13 2010, 18:26:19 UTC
Not having read anything Stephanie Meyer and only a page of Dan Brown before giving up, I still trust your judgment on it being worse. :)


x_los July 13 2010, 16:58:33 UTC


selenak July 13 2010, 18:24:24 UTC
Salinger, eh? Now I imagine Salinger writing Three/Delgado!Master. It would have been... interesting... to read. :)

But Dan Brown is just mean!


x_los July 13 2010, 18:26:40 UTC
Weird that you say that, because Sallinger was for a three/delgado!master/theta, Heart Heard of, and the Dan Browns were for chapters of a five/ainley, Crane Wife.


selenak July 13 2010, 18:35:15 UTC
*imagines Delgado!Master uttering the following*

"If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that Rassilon kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth. On Gallifrey, they were all so phony anyway. I'll tell you about the shit that happpened that weekend when Theta dumped me and I regenerated and Brax, that's Theta's brother, brought me here..."


amatara July 13 2010, 18:49:18 UTC
This is going to sound so cliché, but I had no idea the man was turning seventy already! The clip from Hamlet is, indeed, awesome (and David Tennant! *eee*) The one on domestic violence I believe I had already seen - in an earlier post of yours, perhaps? - but I still found it very moving.

Dan Brown - hee! *points and laughs (but in a friendly way)*

For myself, I can't really complain - I fed, respectively, a piece of B5 tentacle pr0n and a Twin Peaks ficlet and got, respectively, Douglas Adams (for the p0rn! *g*) and Isaac Asimov. Could have been much, much, worse. (Like, say, Dan Brown? *is still giggling*)

If it comforts you, my dear, I'd pick your writing over his, anytime.


selenak July 13 2010, 18:57:11 UTC
70: him and Ringo Starr, within the same week. Some people age wonderfully well.

Dan Brown: yeah, yeah, kick me when I'm down. (Kidding! I'm still giggling over the result myself.) Also, Albert Rosenfield is such an Isaac Asimov character, now that I think of it. :)


amatara July 13 2010, 19:06:59 UTC
*nods* I'd say I'd want to look like Patrick by the time I turn seventy, but that wouldn't be completely true. (Well - minus the beard and baldness, perhaps. :) ) He looks great, he does.

Ah. You picked up on my little Albert obsession writing spree, did you? :)
I am, alas, far less familiar with Asimov than I should be. Have to remedy that (which I've been saying for years, to be honest, but really, I *should*, darn it.)


selenak July 14 2010, 06:48:47 UTC
Asimov: I can take or leave the Foundationt trilogy, but the I, Robot collection is fabulous, and Susan Calvin is one of my favourite female characters of all time. (One of many reasons not to watch the film using the same title; the trailer alone put me off, and then I read in reviews that my beloved middle-aged no-nonsense lethally sarcastic Susan was reduced to an (invented) hero's simpering pretty love interest, and that's not even touching the overturning of the basic premise about robots. Grrr. Argh.)

You'd also like Caves of Steel, which is the basic "robot-hating gruntled New York cop forced to team up to solve crime with infallibly polite robot" story pinched, err, paid homage to by many later people.


wee_warrior July 13 2010, 19:14:04 UTC
You certainly don't write like Dan Brown. Silly meme. (Apparently, I'm so uneven, I write like Lovecraft, Atwood and Joyce. I don't even...)


selenak July 13 2010, 19:18:58 UTC
Cheers, mate, as they say in British shows I love. :) I now wonder about what a Lovecraft/Joyce crossover would read like, with or without some Atwood thrown in...


wee_warrior July 13 2010, 20:25:12 UTC
Judging from the posts I used, it would have to contain vampires, werewolves and spies...


caz963 July 13 2010, 19:37:36 UTC
Hah! I got those three as well - along with Shakespeare :-)


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