Of awesomeness and slander

Jul 13, 2010 18:04

First of all, my newspaper informs me that today is Patrick Stewart's 70th birthday. I was lucky enough to see him on stage four times so far (one Ibsen and three Shakespeares), and hope for more; having done a Picard post rather recently, I picked a clip of his performance as Claudius in the RSC Hamlet instead to demonstrate his acting awesomeness, Claudius' great "the words fly up..." speech from Act 3, which, in that particular production, is the first time the genial self control finally breaks.

image Click to view

As for Patrick Stewart as a person, here's what he has to say about domestic violence:

image Click to view

In conclusion, I hope we will have him with us for many years to come.


On another note, I tried out the most recent meme and came up with some peculiar results. First I fed the meme by most recent story, Tea and Sympathy, aka the DW/ST: TNG crossover about Guinan and the Doctor (several of him). Which resulted in this:

I write like
Douglas Adams
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Very flattering, but I rather doubt it. Then I tried one of my more light-hearted Merlin stories, The Lay of Sir William of Daira, and received this deadly insult:

I write like
Dan Brown
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Imagine a yelled "WHAT?" at this point. Hardly ever have I been so cruelly slandered. I shall make that meme watch the Lost episode about Jack's tattoo's origin in retaliation.

patrick stewart, meme

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