fannish5: Which five canons would you want to live in, and why?

Jun 04, 2010 20:33

1.) The West Wing. (Mostly) honorable Republicans, (mostly) successful Democrats, a US (mostly) governed by reason, and even the Israeli/Palestinians situation doesn't look quite so hopeless. Also nobody makes healthcare = fascism comparisons, and after the Bartlet administration is over, CJ gets to save the world with lots of cash by the equivalent of Bill Gates. You bet I want to live in that story, even as a non-USian.

2.) The Sandman. Most endearing version of Death ever, that's why. I've lost some people already, and I like to imagine she was there for them at the end, and I like to imagine she'll be waiting for me as well.

3.) Star Trek (original timeline, because I like my planet Vulcan intact): offers space travel no matter what your financial status is if you're a human (what with us having erased poverty and money on the planet, thanks, Gene Roddenberry), there's that handy device, the universal translator that allows me to understand (nearly) everyone, and I'd love to travel between the stars. As far as Earth is concerned, I'll just avoid San Francisco, because for some reason, what few invasions we still get all happen there.

4.) Discworld: also has a good Death, but my main reason there would be the sheer number of fascinating people I could encounter, no matter in which part of the Disc I'd end up.

5.) The Never-Ending Story. BOOK, not movie. I could always understand Bastian stealing the book to begin with. Of course, as Michael Ende said, we all have our own ways to Phantasia, and it's different for each of us. And not safe. I might have ended up in the city of old emperors as well, but still. Storytelling; it's the most powerful thing to me, and never more so than in this canon, and so I choose this one as well.

west wing, sandman, michael ende, discworld, meme, star trek

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