W is for Women, and also for West Wing and Watchmen

Jul 02, 2009 13:24

alara_r just kicked off a prompt-based ficathon about women over 40 in all fandoms. The community is matrithon; you can read the rules here and and submit prompts here. The prompts which are there already reminded me a) how many awesome female characters past 40 already exist (it always annoys me when people take up the "there are no interesting women in my ( Read more... )

west wing, fanfic rec, watchmen, ficathon

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Comments 8

violaswamp July 2 2009, 15:40:51 UTC
Wow, that ficathon is MADE for Alias. Plenty of over-40s, no 35-year-olds playing "older" women as so often happens--in fact, the woman in her early thirties (Syd) is the youngest.

Much as I loved Buffy, I wish they'd made more of Joyce, Maggie Walsh, and female Watchers as older female figures.


selenak July 2 2009, 16:45:46 UTC
Same here. I once did a pic spam celebrating the over 40s of Alias. Say what you want about JJ: he created such a lot of good parts for gorgeous, talented actresses who were allowed to play their age.


skywaterblue July 2 2009, 15:41:19 UTC
When Toby met Rorschach. I could do that.


selenak July 2 2009, 16:46:05 UTC
Dooooo it!


shobogan July 2 2009, 18:25:54 UTC

(Dear self, you suck at ficathons, stop it.)

Also, even with my limited West Wing knowledge - CJ vs Comedian would be epic.


selenak July 2 2009, 18:57:30 UTC
Give in to temptation, that's what it's there for.

And wouldn't it just?


amatara July 3 2009, 07:09:48 UTC
Oh god, yes! But, but -
Ngh... Must ... not ... do ... ficathons...
(brain telling heart it can't write when there's deadlines / heart telling brain to stick it)

Re WW / Watchmen: hmm, I should definitely start broadening my fandom horizons.


kangeiko July 4 2009, 00:39:21 UTC
Aww, thank you for the rec!

I am so jazzed about matrithon I cannot even speak. I have done a ginormous prompts post, and will likely do another. Although it feels a bit like cheating, really, 'cause I could easily knock out 3 Irina fics with minimal warning, and most times I have ANGST (tm) at ficathon deadline time. Damn those Derevko women for being so appealing!!

And you are signed up now, yes??


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