W is for Women, and also for West Wing and Watchmen

Jul 02, 2009 13:24

alara_r just kicked off a prompt-based ficathon about women over 40 in all fandoms. The community is matrithon; you can read the rules here and and submit prompts here. The prompts which are there already reminded me a) how many awesome female characters past 40 already exist (it always annoys me when people take up the "there are no interesting women in my fandom" stance), and b) that I need to rethink my no more ficathons this year resolution, because of the tasty ideas.

Meanwhile, I started this morning reading a crossover that doesn't take place in space, and brings together two fandoms you'd think are irreconcilable. Not so:

West Wing/ Watchmen:

Zero Sum: in which one of Jed Bartlet's students during his teaching days is one Adrian Veidt. No spoilers for West Wing beyond Bartlet's backstory; if you happen to be a Watchmen-only reader, you should still find this a good read (and I think kangeiko does a great job getting Jed Bartlet's personality across even if you don't know him).

Of course, now that I've read this I so want to read more West Wing/ Watchmen crossovers. Keene Act debates among the WW regulars! CJ versus the Comedian! When Toby met Rorschach...

west wing, fanfic rec, watchmen, ficathon

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