Jun 24, 2009 10:12
Re: yesterday's meme, how could I forget John Henry and Savannah from The Sarah Connor Chronicles? HOW? *feels guilty as loves potentially apocalyptic or messianic cybernetic network / little girl friendship fiercely*
In other news, and remix-related, one downside of having finished one's story for a ficathon early is that one has to wait for eons for feedback. In this particular case, I also doubt I'll get much response anyway, because a) old fandom, b) unpopular pairing, and c) hated episode background. But then again, one never knows. Last year, I never expected much feedback for my Rome story, either (small fandom, it's all about a mother/daughter relationship instead of Pullo & Vorenus), and I'm still getting some, so really, anything goes. As a writer, I'm pretty happy because I got to explore some issues that have been bugging me for a while, and I flatter myself the end result is worth reading. (I also think it's a bit obvious I wrote it, but half the charm of posting anonymously in ficathons is to wait and see how people respond without knowing the writer.)
More memes:
Name a fandom, and I'll give you the scoop on at least three of my unpopular opinions related to that fandom.
Caveat: I think this particular meme has the drawback of having an inherently flawed premise. There are fandoms in which things like a majority consensus simply doesn't exist, so any opinion not shared by one faction is bound to be shared by another. (Doctor Who comes to mind.) This being said, shoot!