Thirty Days of Star Trek: Favorite Discovery Episode

Sep 13, 2019 09:08

Day 25 - Favorite Discovery Episode

Magic to make the sanest man go mad, still. It's an inventive take on the Groundhog Day trope, with the still unusual choice of telling it not from the pov of the looper; at the same time, it develops several relationships (Michael's with the crew in general, Michael & Paul Stamets as well as Michael & Ash Tyler in particular), Tilly (literally) lets her hair down in the party sequence (the sequence which is also Exhibit A to show to people who claim the Discovery crew, at least in s1, dislikes each other and is grimdark all the time - as I always suspect people voicing said criticism never watched beyond the third or fourth episode at most). Harry Mudd is a great take on the amoral conman trope who manages to be both funny and dangerous in a way the show makes the audience feel, and mind. (I.e. the deaths-of-Lorca montage might be hilarious, but Mudd trying out his extremely painful killing device on other crew members is anything but, and thus his eventual defeat is very satisfying.) While the show is at it, it also updates a sexist TOS backstory (Stella). The way the day is eventually saved consists of both Michael being badass and the entire crew working together. And there are so many priceless moments both funny and touching (Michael and Stamets holding hands!). (Even some additional ones in view of later revelations, like Lorca's expression when Saru and Michael explain the Discovery has to stop and take care of the Space Whale. ( "What even is this universe?" thinks Gabriel L., wannabe dictator of the Mirrorverse, as he goes about saving whales.)

In short, it's Disco at its best, and I love it a lot.

Day 1 - Favorite TOS Episode

Day 2 - Favorite Federation Race

Day 3 - Favorite Starship

Day 4 - Favorite Captain

Day 5 - Saddest Event

Day 6 - Happiest Event

Day 7 - Favorite TNG Episode

Day 8 - Favorite Federation Enemy

Day 9 - Favorite Character

Day 10 - Most Shocking Moment

Day 11 - Crew Position You Would Want

Day 12 - Crew Position You Wouldn’t Want

Day 13 - Favorite DS9 Episode

Day 14- Favorite Time Travel Episode

Day 15 - Favorite First Officer

Day 16 - Favorite Voyager Episode

Day 17 - Favorite Trek Novel

Day 18 - Favorite Non-Aligned Race

Day 19 - Favorite Enterprise Episode

Day 20 - Character You're Most Like

Day 21 - Least Favorite Character

Day 22 - Favorite Trek Film

Day 23 - Best Trek Tech

Day 24 - Best Overall Space Vessel

Day 26 - Planet You Would Most Like To Visit
Day 27 - Character You Would Date
Day 28 - Name Your Own Starship
Day 29 - Favorite Trek Quote
Day 30 - Favorite Trek Series

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discovery, meme, star trek

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