Operation Catch Up With TV:
The Good Wife 6.08.: in which the ongoing Kalinda versus Bishop subplot becomes increasingly more sinister and suspenseful, and my guess that this is whow Kalinda will leave the show (i.e. not actually dying, but having to fake her death again and start a new life elsewhere) strengthens. Go figure that she gets a really good subplot in her final season, full of ethical dilemmas. Given what Bishop did to all the other witnesses, it's understandable that this is where Kalinda draws the line and lies to him re: Lana's involvement in his case. But she goes one step further by refusing to hand over the black spot breaking the white card which I assume was Bishop's loyalty test. So what will he do next? Not yet threaten Kalinda's life (the season isn't even half over), but he could start to make her professional life as a detective difficult simply by having his people follow her when she's investigating, since that would make people less likely to talk to her, for example.
Meanwhile, both the Alicia and Cary subplots deal wilth entittlement (along with the ongoing political and media satire in Alicia's campaign tale; of course the time when she's actually trying to help in the soup kitchen looks fake while the Eli staged photo op looks real). They actually <>are entitled, both of them, and the show doesn't pretend they aren't. Plus having the increasingly real threat of a prison sentence hang over him is getting to Cary, showing both in his snapping at Diane for not defending him better and choosing this time to say he wants a monogamous relationship with Kalinda (which not surprisingly she doesn't). (Which has been a constant in the Cary/Kalinda relationship since season 2, but he never stated it out loud before.) Lashing out under pressure isn't admirable, but it's real and this show is the type of series which both lets its sympathetic regulars do that and calls them on it. I love that it's the conversation with Alicia that brings Cary back to getting a hold on himself; their scene together was my favourite in the episode and the type of honesty in friendship/partnership that does it for me. (And of course it takes one to know one: Alicia knows whereof she speaks.)
Case of the week: offered Alicia a chance to make it up to brother Owen and help a sympathetic victim, and made excellent use of Louis Canning, using his illness as is his wont but also his professional respect for Alicia. His mention of his wife makes me wonder whether she'll make another on screen appearance and this is the groundwork to remind viewers of her existence?
Okay, "Mo Shellshock" is the best Sherlock Holmes acronym ever, and I can't believe I didn't notice until Holmes pointed it out. BTW, I didn't remember the shirtless math geek/Irregular from seasons past, nor the clip they were showing in the previouslies, in which episode did he appear previously again? Anyway, looks like they're really focusing on the intervowen roles of mentorship and friendship and responsibility this season. Holmes was made uncomfortable by the math geek's hero worship and clinginess as he perceived it (this from someone who handled Joan wanting her own space back catastrophically is rich, but then seeing yourself in another person often heightens the discomfort) yet shows he's learned through the last two seasons not by saving the guy's life (which he'd always done) but by showing him he's valued at the end.
Whereas he's determined to make Joan Kitty's co-mentor, complete with casting them as father-mother-child, which Joan rightfullly rejects. But then Kitty surprises both of them by a) accepting the idea of a support group when Sherlock brings it up, not expecting her to go for it, and b) asking Joan to come with her on her own. Showing that for all that Kitty has similarities to a younger Sherlock - the abrasiveness and touchiness - she's her own person; it took him far longer to accept support groups could be helpful, or having someone on your side. While the gendered father and mother casting is ridiculous (as the show itself points out via Joan), learning from both Joan and Sherlock is a good thing, and I really like the series giving Kitty relationships to both. I don't expect it to go always smoothly, not least because I expect Kitty to get in a situation as Sherlock did in mid s1 with "M" (who turned out to be Moran, not Moriarty) with her assaillant (note that it's left carefully unmentioned what became of that person), because part of the mentor experience is to have the shoe on the other foot. But I'm definitely interested in watching what comes.
Bonus scene for Holmes/Bell slashers: Sherlock thrusting himself on Marcus to push him out of danger, only for danger to arrive a bit belatedly, making for an awkward moment (for Sherlock, not Marcus, who seemed very okay with this). :)
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