Orphan Black 2.09

Jun 16, 2014 09:39

In which Alison has watched Dexter, but nobody has watched Breaking Bad.

Or else they'd know how to dissolve bodies chemically. See last re: my observation about Alison's and Donnie's relationship pre and post three eps ago, but with that retcon caveat, I am on board with them as suburban body disposers. (Not so much with Angie getting vilified somewhat for doing her job as a cop, but I'm clinging to pov, and of course from Alison's pov, she's a danger.) Also, I doubt that there are scuba divers at the Canadian coast - OR ARE THERE? - but never mind, Alison looking to Dexter as a what NOT to do template re: dead bodies cracked me up. (I would say she and Donnie should look to Walter White for guidance instead, but that is a loaded sentence if ever there was one, so better not.)

With Alison in the realm of comic relief, the rest of the episode was grim business. I was about to complain there was no reason why Rachel, in a skyscraper full of offices, would need to use Cosima's and conveniently leave the computer so Cosima can find something incriminating, but since it was a trap for Cosima to do just what she did, warn (and thereby distract) Sarah, okay. Rachel in her bitterness about her ordained infertility (with some intermingled jealousy because Marian is impressed by Sarah in general) kidnapping Kira as Leekie kidnapped her, essentially wishing Kira to undergo her own fate, is something that fits, though I doubt Marian (and whoever the other top hierarchy at the Dyad Institute are) would let Rachel keep Kira for herself (too valuable a biological resource). Also, Ethan Duncan (like last week very focused on not scatter brained anymore at all) has some leverage via the keys for the various sequences which he wisely hasn't delivered all at once, so I predict a scorchingly emotional father-daughter showdown. Possibly lethal for Ethan Duncan, which would made Rachel an outcast on the run because Dyad needs his knowledge more than they need her.

The story Johannsen the creepy cult leader tells the children in the nursery with an abrupt alternate happy ending is in fact the ending of Frankenstein the novel (Creature and Victor F. in the Antarctica, and no, they don't sit down for ice cream), so Rachel giving me a Frankenstein's Creature vibe in the last two episodes in her scenes with her fathers, both Leekie and Duncan, wasn't accidental.

Helena and Gracie teaming up I expected, as I did that Gracie carries Helena's child(ren) (though not that so does Helena - should have figured Johannsen would go for as many pregnancies as he could get), but Mark changing sides for love (and being shamed by Helena) I didn't. I suppose that means we won't see Gracie again, instead of her running off with Helena. Incidentally, as much as the burning Prolethians farm is a familiarly good image in this kind of situation, there's the problem of the complex being full of children, and I can't see Helena risking their lives after the show made a repeated point of showing her protective urges towards children, so are we to assume they somehow got evacuated first?

I didn't mention this in the main text last week, only in a comment, but given that Rachel doesn't know Dr. Leekie is really dead (as opposed to being on the run) and that Donnie killed him, her "died of a heart attack" cover story with distinct implication that she's responsible for his demise to both Delphine (to intimidate her) and to Marian (to impress her) is in fact Rachel covering for Leekie's supposed escape. I wonder whether that will play any role, though the Kira-napping engineers more than enough drama for the showdown.

This entry was originally posted at http://selenak.dreamwidth.org/994553.html. Comment there or here, as you wish.

episode review, orphan black

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