Aug 26, 2007 11:26
Total Time ridden: 3.8hrs
Avg Time Ridden per Ride: 58mins 25sec
Total Distance: 34.89mile
Avg Distance per Ride: 8.72mile
Highest Single Day Distance: 10.46mile
Average Speed for week: 8.9mph
Highest Avg Speed Single Day: 10mph
Average Max Speed: 24.15mph
High Max Speed Single Day: 27.7mph
The stats are coming in with lower figures, but the rides are getting harder. This set encompasses only 4 rides, but only about 3 miles of the week total were on paved surfaces. My personal highlight for the week was making the switchback climb on the Devils Backbone trail, which has been a personal goal of mine for a long time. We got all our attempts at making the climb on video. I made it on the second try of the day. Greg has the strength to make it, but navigating the roots on the first two turns is just ridiculous, and he hasn't cleared them yet.
We have decided to make Devils Backbone our main trail for the moment, instead of GCT. Even though the distance is lower, it is a much tougher technical trail than GCT. We'l probably focus on DB until we can ride the length with no dabs. A dab, for any non bicycle people who may be reading, is when you put your foot down while riding.
I hurt my ankle pretty bad friday throwing a football around. I was running and my foot went into a hole I could not see. Today I am just sore all over. Greg has me doing weights and actually got me to try running again...which went-okay-. I'll try some more next week. Overall it was a pretty good week on the bike, with one particular day going really really well.
Also, I found out that this trail system in Roswell called Big Creek is supposed to be the jammy jam, so we are gonna hit them soon. Gotta do the Outer Loop at Chicopee a bit first though.