Kids are Hilarious

Nov 28, 2007 14:46

So today we have a bunch of toddlers and 3 little babies. We were very busy right after lunch because we had nine and no students to help for about an hour. The 3 babies were screaming, My co-teach was washing up hands and faces, the kids were being sent to the play area as they were being washed, so I got one baby to sleep and put her in a crib. Then, baby #2 went to sleep. The other baby was rescued by co-teach after washing up kids, then she opens the door to outside. Yipes, I say, she led 6 kids outside with a baby in arms. WRONG! I came out and let 3 back in and made the nap mats up. Then one sleeping baby wakes, she's needing a diaper change so off to change her while keeping an eye on the 3 toddlers. So here is the punch line you waited for...I stick my head out the doorway and ask the kids, "What are you doing?" They sound so happy and playful. One little darling chimes up, "We're dancing....Naked." Sure enough she comes out from behind a shelf without a stitch on. Another little guy has disrobed down to a t-shirt and diaper. This is why we do it, children are priceless.

One parent showed up to take a child home, another showed up to have lunch with his baby, another teacher showed up and within 45 minutes of all the chaos, we had 8 sleeping children on their mats and in their cribs. That is peace on earth. We are child care artists. It takes an artist to keep smiling and singing Twinkle, Twinkle though it all and knowing it starts over tomorrow.
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