Detroit's in Trouble...

Jul 17, 2007 22:13

We've heard about how terrible the trouble Detroit is in. Let's have a quick recap:
  • Plummeting house values...
  • GM gasping for its very life (they just sold Allison Transmissions, heard about that? Look it up, it's a fun[ny] story)...
  • Chrysler about to be devoured for its finance arm and dealer network (they'll be importing China's Cherys soon! Check out the safety ratings on those!)...
  • Ford watching in growing horror as the Fusion gets beaten by the (get this...) Impala...
Amazing. How could things get so bad? Is it mis-management? Could it be the UAW? Could it be some mixture of the two?

Here's a fun little glimpse into the Bizzaro world of Detroit:
The Value of a Higher Education?
By Frank Williams
July 17th, 2007

Quick! Which will earn you more: a doctorate in physics and a professorship at a university, or a high school diploma and a job with Chrysler? It doesn’t take a PhD in economics to guess the right answer to that one. Dr. Mark Perry from the University of Michigan looked at the average total compensation for auto workers (Big 2.8 and transplants) and college professors. He found the average autoworker with a high school diploma and maybe a year or two of technical school earned about $134K per year, while the average college professor makes about $93K in exchange for eight years of college and post-grad work. We won’t even look at what the typical high school or elementary school teacher makes in comparison to the janitorial staff in the auto plants.

Good! Great! Awesome! Teriffic!

I thought I was confused. Turns out that it ain't me. It's just the rest of the world's crazy. This world makes no sense. None.

chrysler, detroit, uaw, cars

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