links and spiritual life

Sep 12, 2016 08:28

US Political Action Alert: Refugee Crisis and Prison Sentencing Reform over at
beatrice_otter's LJ.

What Religion Would Jesus Belong To?
"Founders are typically bold and charismatic visionaries who inspire with their moral imagination, while their teachings sometimes evolve into ingrown, risk-averse bureaucracies obsessed with money and power. That tension is especially pronounced with Christianity, because Jesus was a radical who challenged the establishment, while Christianity has been so successful that in much of the world it is the establishment."

Anne Frank Today Is A Syrian Girl
"The obstacle was an American wariness toward refugees that outweighed sympathy.

Jim Wright: How The War Against Terror Was Won
"Yes we did. Many times over. We killed them. We killed them all. We killed their families. We killed their wives and their kids and all their neighbors. We killed whole nations that weren’t even involved just to make goddamned sure. We bombed their cities into rubble. We burned down their countries."

On the difference between being nice and being kind
Haven't read this, was pointed to it by
colls, but need to take a look. Looks valid and interesting.


In other news, I went to a women's weekend at our church, based on the book of Hebrews, about how to be encouraging. It was really good. And all the more to sit in a group of women, with whom I figured I had little in common but our faith, and discover that we have a lot of other things in common: feminism, belief that the church is focusing too much on 'gay marriage' and not enough on compassion for refugees, how to minister to our fellow women when we're all out of emotional spoons ourselves, and many other things, including taking time to self-minister spiritually (something that I struggle with, and I'm a single woman with no partner or children to take my time and energy).

It took up a big chunk of my Saturday, but it was really good and I was going to type up a precis of it, but haven't done it yet. I don't think I stopped on Saturday until around 10:30pm. And then Sunday was nearly as busy!

Tonight, I'm going to dinner with a friend, and another friend (undergoing a messy divorce) wants me to go out with him and others to a comedy club until nearly midnight. Sorry, mate, no.

Finally, I'm over at imzy as tielan.

link, life

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