we made it!

Oct 26, 2014 22:24

We are in the new house!

so damn tired )


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Comments 11

amenirdis October 26 2014, 11:56:40 UTC
Yay that you are in the new house! Unpacking is a pain, but I find it goes faster than packing at least. And you can take your time, since you don't have a deadline. Go you!


seldearslj October 27 2014, 21:39:43 UTC
Unpacking is definitely a pain. "Where does this go?" "Why did I think we were going to use this?" "Do we even have enough room?" "Ooh! Shiny!"

I have the attention span of a gnat while unpacking - it's dreadful...


anr October 26 2014, 20:54:23 UTC
Yay! Glad the move went smoothly for you. :)


seldearslj October 27 2014, 21:40:06 UTC
Thanks hon. After all the fuss and bother of the last ten days, it's so nice to be finally unpacked.


adafrog October 26 2014, 21:19:19 UTC
That's great.


seldearslj October 27 2014, 21:40:20 UTC
Yes. Yes, it is!


b36 October 27 2014, 04:46:51 UTC
Congratulations and well done! :)


seldearslj October 27 2014, 21:40:42 UTC
Thanks! Now I just have to get my brain into gear in time for NaNo. You playing this year?


b36 October 28 2014, 04:42:53 UTC
Regarding NaNo, yes and no.

Yes, because I'll always have a soft-spot for NaNo as it has provided many happy things and memories in life.

No, because during the past year or so my interest in fiction writing has waned severely. Sometimes the urge is still there, but mostly not anymore.

So, I may do some writing and attend some events, but we'll see.


cailetr October 27 2014, 12:58:51 UTC
Welcome to your new home! Now you have to send me the new address!


seldearslj October 27 2014, 21:41:29 UTC
I'm about to put up a Christmas card post. Trying to get ahead of things this year...



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