we made it!

Oct 26, 2014 22:24

We are in the new house!

It was ridiculously hot, and there was a problem with confirmation due to my phone having frozen on Thursday night and being out of action all Friday, but we started moving out around 1pm Saturday.

Big cat, little cat:

The movers were very efficient. They just kept stacking it in. None of the fretting and fussing over truck weights and manoeuvring that the last set of movers did. Four guys, five hours and they were done!

And now it's just unpacking unpacking unpacking.

Setting up desks and tables and filing cabinets and bookshelves. And even more unpacking.

I have to get a gardener in to help me with the garden. No way am I digging all that up myself!

Cats are in, presently being confined to the laundry to get used to it. Mal sulked all day. Of course, the fact that it was a very warm day today helped. They just sprawled in their little cushioned cat-houses all day, only coming down for food and litter use.

I have pictures of them, but they're not up yet. :)

Now, to get back into the habit of writing, interspersing it with unpacking and cleaning. The unpacking and cleaning can be thinking time for the next bit of writing.


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