I am still alive...

Jun 08, 2005 02:44

Hello again I haven't posted in a while and I just realized how that must of looked pretty bad seeing in how my last entry said that I could possibly die in a plane wreck.

Well my life hasn't changed much since you last heard from me except that I feel completely and utterly useless anymore. Have you ever reached that moment when you sit and seriously debate whether or not you are doing the right things in your life. Now I am not talking about God bullshit or "following the path of Jesus" fuck that. Just all of your morals and personality standings.

Personally I have strived to be the gentleman and the nice guy but it has gotten me absolutely nowhere. Girls are a confusing breed. And right now I am stuck in the middle of like three who have feelings for me but I have no idea how I feel about them. What the Fuck?!! How can human emotions be this fucked up?

No matter how many times I can do the cliche' things like pulling out the chair or holding the door it doesn't seem to penetrate the female defenses of getting further than just being the funny guy. Now I am not one of those fucking guys that just wants sex and nothing else. Fuck all that shit I believe that girls should be treated with a little bit more respect than that. But it seems that every girl around me always heads straight for the guy who dicks them around and is a complete asshole to them, then they come to me and tell me about it and they do not realize that I have not ONCE pulled that kind of shit. WHAT THE FUCK?!!

Now this probably sounds like I am some crazy dramatic teenager who needs to grow up, but I am 18 years old and a very rare breed of male. I mean I know that sounds like I am bragging but it's true, I have strived to stray away from human male, of being the stereotypical human male that is. The kind that girls seem to compare every guy to, "he just wants sex and to see me naked he doesn't really care about me." GODDAMNIT!!!
Whatever, it doesn't matter I am 18 years old, in farely good shape, I make plenty of money for now and I am different from the other mindless fucks in this area, for the most part. I love my friends and they are the coolest people I have ever met, we are all different we all click really well and we are always there for each other, so what is wrong with me...?

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