Dec 29, 2003 15:15
Wut`z qood mis putikkaz ?
Me nothinq chilllen u know how it iz .
+ I tOok the day today to juzt chill and relax . I ain`t qonna qo out later which i wanted to but imma just stay @ hOme beinq a liL computer nerd cuz i ain`t really in da mOod to qet all pretty n shyt and when i qo out i need to be lookinq my bezt cuz u never know wut fyne asz chikko u qon bump into lolz .
+ Last niqht i qot into the biqqest fiqht with my mom . i qot offline like at 2 in da morninq and jesus + shorty called me and asked if dey could come pickk me up so we could just ride around i didn`t really want to cuz i knew jesus wuz qonna ask me out for like the 100th time . And i had been talkinq to shorty online earlier n he kept askinq why i didn`t qive him a chance . w/ee i asked my mom and she said ok . they came and they picked me up it wuz str8 i qot back home like at 5 when my momz wuz qettin ready to qo to work lolz . then she started bytchinq at me i wuz like hello u told me i could . shez like i did ? i wuz like omq yezz . she`s like ok w.e qo to sleep lmao . i wuz like ook she didn`t qet mad so datz str8 .
+ Then today she left me a messaqe on my celly sayinq she wantz to take a day of the week from my time so we could chill like after work and we could qo to the storez and shop and do qurl shyt . and eat somewhere sOo w.e
+ Uhm i ain`t really qot anythinq else to say sOo im out <33
oOoh yuh i wuz qonna ask . if anyOne knowz how to make qraphicz pleez let me know . muahz ;]
People get sOo caught up in all the bad that they ignore the gOod
All the stressing preventz living life the way u should
An exception to thiz i am not
In depressiOnz lOnely web ` i am caught
The harded that i struggle ` the mOre wrapped up i get
Alone in the dark i sit and i fret
Impatient fOr the day i`m actually happy to wake
I`m tired of alwayz acting so fake
Behind every smile existz an ocean of tearz
It`s scary how gOod i`ve gotten at hiding my fearz .
I have so many thingz to be thankful for
But yet i`m so selfish i only plead for more
What i need to do is open my eyez and see
That thiz world is far from owing me
I`ve dug this grave of mine
I act as though being happy is a crime
I dwell on all the bad that`s happened to me
Once i move on ` i`ll finally be free
I`ll be free to grOw wingz and finally fly
I`ll be able to actually enjOy the time as it gOes by
SOo here i . I`m taking the leap
I`m going to stand strong and not allow my own defeat .