Dec 28, 2003 22:55
liL lady wit dem big bLue eyez . makin every chikkoz dyck slOowly riize
Yuh yuh u know who diz iz niqqqquhz .
Haha i`m in a weird mOod . I`m hyper az fuq .
+ Well today nothinq much happened in da morninq i cleaned up my rOom super qood and w.e wuz chillen at da crib then me and my mOm dukkez like at 3 left and we went to d`or . i bOuqht thiz very cute black halter top jumpsuit which i`mma wear for the 31st with my matchinq hat ;] buahaha i loove that hat .
+ Then we went to international mall and i bouqht some pink daizy dukes ;] . and my momz bouqht some red pantz and a black tube top cute asz fuck . muh momz a pimp ;] . we went to victoria secret and i bouqht my favorite perfume which waz already wastinq " Dream Angelz Heavenly " my qod i looove it . it`s the best . and i qot a free purse that had eyeliner . lipstick . mintz . and i forqot wut else but i didn`t want it so i qave it to my momz . and since she had been lookinq for a matchinq purse i qave it to her since it wuz black ;]
+ After there we went to my liL primitaz crib and we picked up our giftz they qot me a pajama set cute az fuck itz pink and all over it sayz perfect 1O . lolz que fuckinq cuterz and they qot me 2 pinkk candy canez ;] .
+ Then we left n came home n i`ve been on ever since .
lOok at thiz shyt
Jts510 : if a dude sees ur pics and dont at least WANT to jackoff to ya, hes either lyin, dead or freakin gay, lol
Jts510 : damn girl ur tooo fine lookin
He`s some freak who told me he haz beat hiz meat to my pikkz on cpixel for 3 dayz in a rOw now lmfaOo talk about lOser .
and lOok at thiz " photographer " .
t No x 1 1 : u should do a shoot with us make some extra cash i bet ur body would look great
t No x 1 1 : they'llprob pay u a lot
lmaOo nOo thankkz buddy ;]
` Plus i already model for barOn visual imagez sOo i`m str8 .
Next week we start our new semester whoop whoop i`m soo happy . then i`ll finally qet my portfolio made and that way agenciez can pick me ;] yayyy
- Well dayum the world is small . A liL while aqo thiz quy from aOl robert asked if i went to international mall today cuz he saw me . lmaOo
And thiz quy from cpixel asked if i went to dOlphin mall thiz past week cuz he saw me . he knew exactly wut i wuz wearinq and who i wuz with =X Oomq how kkrazy !
` Well tomorrow i wuz planninq on qoinq out wit anybody lolz didn`t matter who cuz i didn`t wanna stay at home bored but w.e i`mma just stay home chillin relaxing u know . anywayz i`m out <33 muuahz
* I wanna qo back to skoOl soo fuckinq bad !!
One persOn diez and time just mOvez alOng
NObody carez if a persOnz tearz flOw on and on
In thiz wOrld everyOnez concern is themselvez
Never glancing tO the side to see that anOther is caught up in hell
Time tickz on and tearz still stream
As a persOn lOses self contrOl , hOpe and yet another dream .
Time tickz on and anOther persOn diez
Time tickz on and mOtherz . sisterz . brOtherz and fatherz cry
Crying tearz of sadness and deep gasping pain
About a life and sOul that wuz taken in vain
Time tickz on and thiz world doesn`t change
Atleast not in the streetz where dying iz anything but strange
With every secOnd that passez a life is taken away
Pray that it isn`t ur life , and death isn`t isnt the price u pay
Tearz stream down cheekz like dayz in the week
Tearz that taste sour run deep fOr hOurz
The clOck tickz on and death is our livez
A tear fallz down a cheek as sOon as another startz to dry .