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Sep 26, 2004 15:31

ThiiSz Weekend...

Well , Friday.. i aiin`t do SHiiT! i was qonna qo to the movies wit my cusents but we all endedup not qoin at tha last miinute n shit.. so my Friday was bOrinq..

Saturday--i woke up arOund 12:3o koz Roy called koz we was qon come over before ii left to retreat.. BUT he ended up not..change of planzz.. i was jusz chillen till like 3 then i qot all my shiet ready and everythinq then left round 4.. went up to the church and more people went to retreat than i thought.. i swera i did not wanna qo.. everybOdy thought it was qon be bOrin n everything but we were all kinda.. forced to qo!! anywaysz.. we all left and it was just like a 40 minute drive. then we qot our roomsz n it was me christina, konchie, n leslie ina room.. we basically had 1 of the best ro0msz.. lol. we stood round there 4ever doin nuttin.. lol. uhhm then this other qroup of ppl came in..qivin ppl dirty looksz.. they don`t kno us!! we`ll beat they azz [ lol in church? siike ].. but yeah.. then we did sooo much junk.. and sat down alot and, idk... i jus have to admit it was alot of fun.. the best part was like when we all had that Free time to do w.e and when we was qoin tah bed..and.. tOday [ sunday ].. in our room was was usin konchies phone callin ppl up.. ica lled roy but he was sleepin i quess so i aint talk to him till like 8:5o in tha mornin.. but chea.. n we qot int rouble once fa bein loud.. but we wasnt bein loud so it wa slike wtf.. uhm yeahh soo i had fun.. now all i qot to do isz fiqure out wut i wanna do taday n then jusz have my fun..

i learned lotsz from retreat.. i mean i tihnk im qonna start to change myself.. the way i act a lil, my attitude towards people, n jusz otha thiinqz. it will be qo0d, i`m hoping..

well i never qot my hair done on Friday koz i told my aunt i wanted to hanq out n stuff so she tohught i was SERIOUS so she cancelled tha shiet.. so im hopin to qet it done 2day or 2marrow.. if not then i quess next week maybe, idk whenever the lady  can do it.

i still qot tah qet ma dress from homecoming.. lol kinda late this year, im late  on a lota stuff this year, lol.


well uh yea... i quess i`ll update later

LuHv Yall,


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