I walked
Line 6 yesterday, on Friday the 13th. I was excited about this line, since it was a) quite long (14.3 km, and 15k if you count the little time I got lost) and b) in the shape of a smiley! (Look at
the map if you don't believe me.)
But I also learned an interesting thing doing the research. If you look at Line 6 and Line 2 (which have almost the same start and end points), they actually make a ring around the old version of Paris - there used to be a wall which followed that combined route, the ironically-titled Mur des Fermiers Généraux, which was basically an extended toll booth for farmers looking to import goods to Paris. The only vestiges of this wall are in four places - Nation, Denfert Rochereau, parc Monceau, and the Rotonde de la Villette - all of which are on lines 2 or 6. So that means that, in one way, I have circled Paris! It's particularly interesting at the moment, because officials are in the process of talking about incorporating more areas into Paris (and Ile-de-France) yet again. (The residents of Picardy, to the north, are particularly upset about this prospect.) So who knows? If I did this project a few years from now, maybe the Périph wouldn't be the periphery any more.
Anyway - enjoy
the photos! There are a few extra bonuses this time - no dinosaurs, but I did get some revolutionary graffiti and even an upside-down model!