i'm getting pickier about my ships

Sep 10, 2018 16:05

it's strange, i've always been picky in that i need some canon proof in that one at least likes the other, but i never thought i'd get back into changing partners for one character. i finally got into My Hero Academia - watched all the anime and am hopping around in the manga - and have changed ships twice now. i got onto the TodoDeku ship before i even got to the Tournament through all the fanart. but after that there's been very little interaction between them, most of the time Izuku's the one pulling Todoroki into things, battle or otherwise.(i've joined the Todoroki is Izuku's sidekick bandwagon.) hell, he's the only one in the class that talks to Todoroki like he's a normal person. the fanfiction's almost like Drarry is for me; either one is too OOC or both are IC and it never goes past confessing. Speaking of Potterdom, the next ship i was briefly aboard was MHA's minor equivalent of Snarry; AiDeku or Aizawa/Deku. your basic teacher/student scenario, it's not very big - at least in English - and a good portion of it's PWP. the only good one i've found involves a time travel quirk so they're the same age.(ongoing so i'm not sure if the difference will come into play.) my current ship was found through the teacher adopts student tag, but it makes more sense than any of the others: ShinDeku or Shinsou/Izuku. the two had similar childhoods so they can relate to each other better than anybody else. thanks to the latest chapters, we get to see that Shinsou's currently trying to prove himself and get into the heroics class, he's going through the same struggle Izuku did at the beginning of the year/manga. sure their quirks are drastically different, but Izuku's analytic skills he needed when powerless is showing to be Shinsou's weakness so it's seems like they'll be spending more time together. it's a good fic opening at least. ~-^ i'm not much of a multishipper - i'm a Reborn fan and the only ships in there i like are 1880 and 2786 - but the only other fandom i've changed partners for a single character is Potter. every time the character was similar to Harry or made him a better person. Harry either finds the safe haven he never had growing up or realizes just how much power he has to help the world and decides to use it. the very things Shisou and Izuku need to become the pro-heroes they want to be. sorry, i needed to vent.*^-^*


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