Er. I haven't even written about the hall I'm staying at, have I? It's called Burton and Garran Hall. That's all you need to know for now; the rest are details.
Anyhoo, jumping ahead: it hosted an internal art show tonight. I think I was supposed to help set up the displays, but no email was sent out to inform us where and when to meet, so I ended up walking to a lake instead. >_>;;
Came back in time to catch the art show, and... it was good. Quirkily good. I kept going back to stare at a glass genital display, so much so that I forgot to take a photo of it.
Having been converted to Coffee Worship during my tenure at NUS, I can fully appreciate the genius of strapping cups of coffee to your feet and dancing over a painted canvas like Keith Richards.
lol. *fave*
Hands down, my new handphone wallpaper. Such an honour, I know.
I actually had to work up the nerve to ask her for a photo. Fat suits are INTIMIDATING. The creator for this also did the glass genitalia, by the by.
And yes, I felt so thin. XD
Just to end on a poignant note...
Nah, let's end with this, a photo of another art show I walked into instead of going for class: