Sep 10, 2004 00:01
Or more specifically, from the abyss of no image-loading-ness. Glad to announce that Boomspeed has returned my layout (although technically, all it did was eat up my layout and regurgitate a bunch of old images I didn't need anymore, thus causing me to have to delete those pics again and reupload my layout-- of which I saved, thank goodness) so my LJ doesn't look like TOTAL crap anymore.
I wanna play FFVII again. RPs and the recent influx of Advent Children news has made all nostalgic-like. I wanna see Cloud in a dress. I wanna see him do those silly squats. I wanna see him say, "Let's mosey!" and have enough self-awareness to point and laugh and squeal over what a dork he is. And let's not even talk about the Honeybee Inn, because wanting to see that is pretty much a given. COME TO ME, MUKKI. Because you don't notice all these little ambiguous things when you play a game at 11 years old.
And realising it, I feel unfulfilled.
...That just sounded so wrong ¬.¬