a peacemeal translation to feed my lovesick heart

Sep 27, 2007 00:44

What am I doing...? Even though I know sending him back alone will likely only cause Masako-sama to doubt me...

Why does this single nokongiku draw me so?
I see... this lovely violet flower makes me remember her?
When we passed each other earlier, I was able to stand it.
But remembering her suddenly like this, my heart wavers...
Even though I know I can't be allowed that yet.

Nozomi-chan... I want... to take this flower to you...

Hinoe: You two're too soft on her. You know we can't get out of fighting now no matter how it falls. If you just think about it a little, it's pretty obvious we've got no time to be lost.

Atsumori: Hinoe, you don't need to say it like that.

Hinoe: Doesn't help to say it in fluffy soft words, y'know. Fighting against Kamakura means we'll be fighting against Kagetoki.

Nozomi: --!

Hakuryuu: It's okay, Miko... that time has not yet come.

Hinoe: It's too late if you don't prepare yourself before that time does come. The Miko-hime-sama I've come to know and love is a woman unwavering on the battlefield.

Atsumori: .........it's not something one can break off from so simply. Choosing to fight against friends... against people that you spent time with like family.

Hinoe: ...! ...

Nozomi: I'm sorry... I know it's my fault, because I can't decide. But, I--

Atsumori: Miko, we too must apologize.

Hinoe: Looks like we should give you some time. We'll always be waiting for you to come back.

Hakuryuu: Miko, don't forget, we are always with you, I, and your Hachiyou -- we are here for you, and we want you to rely on us.

Nozomi: Thank you, Hakuryuu, everyone. But, the Hachiyou I want to be with me now... isn't here.

Is there a place I can safely leave this flower without being found out...


A guard? ::cocks rifle::

Kamakura's ikusabugyou, Kajiwara Kagetoki, I see.

You are?

I am called Shirogane. Kagetoki-dono, why have you come here like this? If it is to cause harm, as Miko-sama and Kurou-sama's protector, I cannot let you pass.

I see, you would be Nozomi-cha-- Ryuujin no Miko's guardian. Unfortunately, you won't be able to cut me. My jutsu will shoot you long before you can hit me.

That is quite true. However, if I can endure your attack, I will certainly strike you down.

Kagetoki-dono... fallen at your feet, would that be a nokongiku? Perhaps you have come here to bring it to Miko-sama?

... As if?

Damn... even though I can't let anyone know my feelings for her, not until this war is over...!

Ryuujin no Miko is Kamakura's enemy. My enemy. That flower is something simply to confuse her -- the easier to make an opportunity to take her life.

I do not know why you speak such empty words, but I do not think that someone planning an assassination would have eyes that can be caught by the beauty of a wildflower.

You're awfully innocent. Hence I think you know nothing about being an assassin.

To protect Miko-sama, I must now return. Kagetoki-dono, will you come along?

What-- are you saying? I'm no longer one of her protector Hachiyou.

Even if you are not, I think your feelings for her are unchanged.

You are mistaken. I am currently Kamakura's ikusabugyou. Nothing more.

Is that so... then, I shall excuse myself.

You'll turn your back on me, your enemy?

Kagetoki-dono, as I am going to Miko-sama's aid, I do not at all believe that you will shoot me.

...Nozomi-chan, I can't rush to your side right now. But... at least... let me pray for the battle success of this bushi who protects you...

Yes, Shirogane?

I have brought this to Miko-sama.

Oh, such a cute flower... what is it?

A nokongiku. It is a simple wildflower, but I thought it might bring Miko-sama some consolation.

All I've done today is worry everyone, and have people cheer me up... Thank you, Shirogane, I feel a little better seeing this flower.

I... am glad. However, I cannot accept your thanks.


I am not the one who picked that flower. The one whose eye was caught by the beauty of a wildflower, and wished to show it to you -- I am envious of them. They are the one who wished to comfort your heart.

Who... was it?

I cannot be the one to say. That person seemed to wish to bring you the flower without anyone knowing -- without knowing their true feelings.

I... see.


なぜって……そんなの当たり前だよ  何か、理由があるんでしょう? 私、それが聞きたくて来たんです

君は、変わらないな  優しくて綺麗で、まっすぐだ  だから君にはわからないのかな  オレはね、そんなにいい人間じゃないんだよ  理由が必要かい? なら、君たちが頼朝様の敵だからだ

宝玉もない  君に従う理由もない  君とオレをつなぐものなんて、もう何もないはずだろう?


君はみんなとにげてくれ  これはオレと政子様の戦いだ  君を巻き込みたくない

景時さん…… まだ、一人で戦うつもりなの? これ以上、景時さん一人に戦わせたりしない

オレのことは、いいんだ  君は早く逃げて…

全然よくないです  戦うなら、一緒に――

いいんだよ  どうせオレは君と一緒には戦えない  もう…八葉じゃないから

八葉だとか、八葉じゃないとか、そんなの関係ない!  私は景時さんを一人にしない  一緒に戦いたいだけ

…後悔することなんて、ないと思っていたよ  宝玉が消えて、八葉でなくなったことを…  でも…今は、オレが八葉でないことが―――悔しい  君を守り…君と共に戦う力が  失われてしまったことが (***)

でも、八葉だとしても…八葉じゃなくても、オレの気持ちは変わらない  もう八葉ではないけれど、オレは――――君を守りたいんだ



そんなことない  景時さんは八葉です  やっぱり景時さんは私の八葉なんです  今までも、これからも


もちろんです!  何があったって、景時さんは八葉です

………オレがいてもいいのか?  みんなと一緒にいても、本当に………

九郎: 馬鹿か、お前は… そんなこと聞く奴があるか
譲: ええ  みんなずっと 待ってたんですから


景時、まだ私に逆らうおつもり?  くすっ、健気で可愛いこと  でも、だめですわ いつまで耐えられるでしょうね?

耐えられなくても…オレは最後までこの子を守らなきゃならない  こんなオレを八葉だと言ってくれた  オレの…神子を



こんな時ぐらい無理させて…もらえるかな   今まで君の力になれなかったんだから

君も、朔も九郎もここでなら、きっと平和に暮らせる  最後まで、みんなに心配かけちゃうのは、申し訳ないけど…  もう、思い残すことはない――

景時さんに思い残すことはなくても、私にはあります!  そんな全部一人で勝手に決めて、全部一人で背負おうとするから…  今度みたいに、みんなが悲しい思いをするんじゃないですか

それは、すまないと思ってるよ  いや、言い訳なんてできないか…

景時さんはもう、思い残すことはないんですよね  ……だったら、私の願いを叶えてください  たった一つでいいから

うん―――いいよ  君にはたくさん辛い思いをさせてしまったから…なんだって、聞くよ

じゃあ、約束してください  鎌倉へ帰ったあと…  絶対に、私のところに戻ってきてください  絶対に―――


…わかった 約束する  絶対に君のところへ帰るよ 待っててくれるね


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