Title: Unexpected Mind Games
Team: Weiss.
Word Count: 100.
Characters/Pairings: Schuldig/Sanzou.
Rating/Type: PG?
Series: WK/Saiyuuki
Author's Notes: Couldn't get the image out of my head, hence drabble.
Schuldig wants to know what kind of priest wears sleek black form-fitting clothes under his robes. Not that he minds, since black nicely sets off the chains binding his prisoner spread-eagled against the wall. He approaches with smooth cockiness -- every type of coercive power is at his disposal -- and takes the pretty chin in his fingers.
The monk's pissed. "The sutra's not on me. Don't you people have better things to do than harass me?"
Schuldig can't help a predatory grin. //No.//
He has the pleasure of seeing alarm dawn in those violet eyes.