Who: Junho and Key (+ Donghae in the end)
When/Where: Day 15, around 11pm
Rating: g/pg
Warning: hyperkey x JUNHO
Summary: Key wants to get advices and then needs to figure why Junho and Taemin aren't good friend - how to annoy a celebrity in one lesson.
this has to be a trap )
Comments 41
He felt like playing the fanboy to get the attention; since he liked to get the attention in his delirium times, it was no problem. It was even fun to jump for no reason, after some minutes he got used and found it so fun that he didn't even remembered he was acting ( ... )
"I'm not very good at drawing..." He said hesitantly. "I might mess your shoulder up. And uhm, if you were watching you'll probably need a shower tonight after all the jumping and stuff. Like me, seriously, I'm soaked." Junho lifted his shirt up to wipe his face, displaying his six-pack and therefore making most of the girls present squeal.
"Uhm, sir, where are we going? I don't think they'll be very happy..." Junho looked back at the girls practically shooting daggers at the fanboy.
"But you're good at signing autograph, so the tatoo design will be your sign" but Junho's comment was true: Key would definitely have more than a shower this night, he needed to loose himself in his bath everyday, and night happened to be the best time ( ... )
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