May 26, 2009 00:37
Who: Lee Taemin, Tablo
When/Where: Chongdam Secondary School, 10am (DAY 2)
Rating: PG
Warning: mutants unite!
Summary: Taemin is too busy texting when he runs into--a stopped student?
As soon as the bell sounded, Taemin threw his things into his back and slung it over his shoulder before rushing out. He hated to be in his classes for longer than he had to. Once he was out, his pace slowed down and as you would always see Taemin, he swiped out his phone, flipped it open and let his thumbs fly over the keyboard. He could possibly text over 100 words a minute, pages and pages at a time. He couldn't live without his phone. He was laughing and smiling at his phone when something very unexpected and out of the ordinary happened.
c: lee taemin,
r: g/pg,
log: closed,