Easter Eggs!

Mar 26, 2010 09:15

Filling easter eggs has gotten to be SUCH a job since the egg hunters have changed from hungry graduate students to all natural, free-range, organic kiddos. seriously. i *had* to buy a whole new set of eggs so that i could tell people "these have CANDY in them!" seriously! i bought 8 dozen new eggs just for candy.

nevermind that i already had 200 or so....and that i also bought about 30 or so BIG eggs to fit other things that don't fit in the standard 2.5 inch egg. oy!

so what does one put in an egg if not candy or dimes (seemed like an accident waiting to happen and i don't like to flaunt the cash i'm dropping on easter,you know?).... here is a list (mostly for my benefit so i can remember for next year):

Tiny Farm Animals (target dollar section; 75% off, so something like 25 cents for 8-10 plastic critters, i bought LOTS of packages)
Tiny Paint Sets (6 or 7?)
Tiny Crayon Sets (6 or 7?)
Little wiggle bugs in wooden box (6?)
Knit Strawberries (12 so far, i think i'm done though)
Knit CARROTS (the novel knit food for this year, 24!!!! yes, that took forever, i hope my child finds a couple)
Stickers (lots and lots of stickers-- puffy, foil, "normal"-- bunnies/spring/etc)
windup bugs,butterflies,duck,bug,etc. (about 10?)
hair clippies (10 PAIRS, we only have one little boyfriend)

i can't think of anything else, so that must be it. then of course the 96 candy filled eggs (nestle crunch eggs, reester bunnies, reeses peanut butter eggs, and mixed "rainbow" twizzler things).

of course i had to disperse all this throughout the different colors of eggs so that all the carrots weren't in orange or all the paint sets weren't in green-- you know-- cause that is SO important :) i'm glad i thought to do this last night because it took a ridiculously long time and i would have been cursing a blue streak if i'd done it next friday night. it was a fun "chore!"

i had extra ideas that would be fun-- i might still do some if i have time/money/inclination....

carousel tokens (for a semi-local mall, would this annoy people to have to drive ? i'm not sure... a token is 2 dollars and a parent can still ride with our kids for free because they are too little to do it independently....lucy LOVED it when we took her)

ice cream voucher from the local dairy (www.broomsbloom.com) -- i'm not sure they even do this

i don't know. i might be really upset if we didn't find these things :) we'll see! i love easter!
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