May 23, 2009 06:57

So far I've finished the penciling for the first page and the first page of the plot twist. Since the twist comes chronologically before the first page I mistakenly worked on that before I came to my senses and realized that I by the time I got there I should have improved in art. So this page has nine panels and it's pretty beastly, but it's flashbacks so I used a direct reference for each one. I didn't really leave that much room for text though. This might be a problem. The bigger problem is how I'm going to color it. My options are greyscale prismacolor markers, color pencil, or try photoshop. Photoshop would look way more authentic, but I'd have to learn to use it.

I also have started on the second page, which will only be two panels, but includes a full body and a pretty generic and plain background.
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