Jin-ai High School

Jun 27, 2008 02:20

YEAHHHHHHHHHH (even if I'm not in the picture .___.)

So for a while I have to admit I was really anticipating a tour the university would be doing for an all girls high school with 100+ students(I think around 180, but don't quote me on that). I ended up getting really excited but decided the best way to cope with the situation was to go in with mild expectation and suppress my fantasies as much as possible. I think I took care of that rather well.
On the other hand, it was a volunteer event...meaning anyone, whether I liked it or not could volunteer. So at the last minute our hopes and dreams kind came tumbling down because not just a lot of people were going to show up but some my friends and I totally detested. In the end though, I still tried to have a calm, make the best of such a situating kind of mindset.

Skipping the minor and rather boring details, cut to the chase Hideki D:<
So at first me and my [i]good[/i] friends(as in, not the people I didn't like :D) were taking a small group of girls to look at things(the ones up there). Later, someone deported me(ok, asked) to help out with another group that had waaay too many Japanese students, so I did so. We did really simple things, like take them to see some buildings at the university and maybe look inside a class session. After, we took a shot at the university monument:

(even I wasn't in this on either ._____.)
As you can see it was pretty hot but the good news was after this we would be going to the party. So we started to round up the students to go with us back to the buses. As we were leaving the monument I saw a girl holding a towel with a curious looking design on it and I squinted to see what exactly it said..."Polysics"...
And thats it. I swallowed my butterflys and I asked her about Polysics, and turns out its her most favoritest band EVAR. She showed me a picture of a live she went to where she met the singer and whatnot, and her phone even had a Polysics sticker. She was a really cool girl :D

Afterwards, we left on the buses and she was telling her friend that I listened to some music...and her friend turns out to be a big fan of Maximum the hormone, and she proceeded to freak that I knew them too. (cool.jpg goes right here, I can brag at least, ok? .___.)
I was starting to feel really good about this thing, and that it turned all around for me. I anticipated all these people to get in the way with any interaction I could with the students, but it was great.

The party had some interesting activities. They gave us presentations in extremely well-spoken English that they had been practicing(some had superb English accents going too :O) about various Japanese traditions and things of that sort(they did blood types, traditional clothes, modern fashion, etc.). It was cool, and after the...ok, rather winding presentation, we got to eat/socialize with them. It was a nice get together and I was able to find the Polysics girl there and my friend and I got to talk with her and her friends a little bit. They seemed like really cool girls, and they were equally cute at that. They knew the Hare Hare Yukai and seemed to like anime quite a bit as well, which was also really amazing. Some of the other girls started to take pictures and things like, which was rather embarassing...but at the same time I was flattered like never before :O

Some with random students. I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name! (TAT)

And yeah, we were the only ones who dressed with a tie and whatnot(my friends idea). It was embarassing that we went to change and came back to have the entire group of students and friends watching us waltz in looking like priests, but I was glad I did it anyhow : /

AAAAND of course Kaede and...her friend who likes maximum the hormone! (far left and far right respectively, that other girl next to me is actually helping out with this thing too but I don't know her -_o)

She insisted to put up the towel with Polysics on it, and I was all :DDDD

In the end I was a bit disappointed in the length of the program. (Actually, I think it was perfect. If you had me/us/anyone stay there for even a bit longer we would have gotten too attached to them, which would have been worse. So, I look at it that way)We barely had enough time to talk properly about anything, and I wanted to ask them so many things but got too nervous and time constraints! We left really early, like at 8. I asked Kaede how long she would be on Guam and she said she leaves tomorrow night, which imo isn't ample time to do much of anything. Still though, she was a sweet girl and it was waaay cool to meet someone who kinda like the same spectrum of things.
Well not just her, but other people. I also met a blood relative of Hideaki Anno :OOOO She told me her friend was related to him and thought I should know since I had NERV plastered on my bag -__-'

So yeah, probably my favorite part of summer so far. I email-ed Kaede about today and told her it was fun! I'm gonna also demand she give me some other pictures we took with them >:O

To conclude this informally my friend told me one thing as we were dragged(almost literally) out of the room:

"Now I know why you cried"

(erm, last time I was in Japan our whole Japanese club at school got rather emotional when we left Japan and ended making a big deal out of leaving our host families and sensei's(the chaperones on our trip). My friend was always like "wow what a fag lol u and dose guyz were cryin lololll".)

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