I kind of feel lifeless nowadays.
Or actually, my life itself is sort of lifeless. There really isn't anything amazing going on but for some reason I usually end up enjoying it, for the most part. Whenever I go out with any of my friends and we do stuff I kind of feel dead. I can talk to people, I can laugh with people, but when I think to myself I just want to go back home and sleep or relax. It's an odd feeling that I don't really remember having before until recently. I still go about my daily routines at home and stuff but for whatever reason things just can't come back to life. Even though some things eventually come my way to make me forget or make me happy for some small duration of time I end up still feeling this same kind of empty.
In short, I kind of feel like I'm not here anymore. I remember reading something like this in a Murakami book. I'm here, but I'm not here. My body feels like it's just trudging along without a soul inside it. Not to that extreme or anything. I still eat, just to let you know.
In other news, though still unfortunate, Spring break is already over. After I wake up tomorrow I'll have school. My last few months of it. I haven't checked the calendar since I got on break, and my computer tells me it's already the end of March. Meaning, I have a couple more days, then it's going to April, and then May. Truly, it's rather scary how time flies. I only have these next weeks to make an impact on my grades if they are as bad as I think they turned out for third quarter.
Amidst this, I've still managed to come up with a few good things to listen to over the past few days. Firstly, today I got through most of
nenem's new album, "cool dawn place". They're post-rock and instrumental and remind me of special others. As a more punk/rock recommendation is
From Youth, who I started listening to after hearing their take on the Blue Hearts "Tsuki no Bakugekiki"(from the Blue hearts super tribute). Though I see them described as folk and rock, they sound a lot more like high energy rock/punk. Their dual vocals are quite good too, though I wish the person who sang on the blue hearts tribute would sing more. Lastly, though not necessarily the best thing I've heard lately, it's been fun following Mani Raba's(I dont know if Money lover is the correct roomaji) PV series of "___ Eki". The band had gorgeous covers for it's singles and just by album covers I can tell we have a lot in common. For starters, they have great taste in models, a keen eye for the seasons(they released a single with 4 separate designs I beleive), and a love for train stations. I've been meaning to pick up their best of since it also has these PV's with it. To sort of recommend all of this at once be sure to check out the LDandK Records
youtube portal. A good amount of rock bands on their that are worth checking out!
I'm just hoping that I can talk to everyone I need to within the next weeks. I still have a to-do list that I haven't checked things off for some time. I think I'll get to that this week. I've had all spring break and I couldn't even manage one -_-'