Hellblazer #237

Oct 26, 2007 22:13

Um, that was... anticlimactic. I'm really disappointed. Every issue by Andy Diggle, Hellblazer's newest writer, has been absolutely awesome up until this issue. And this was shaping up to be an incredible story arc - genuinely creepy and disturbing, and with real cliffhangers at the end of each issue. And then... uh... well... not much happened.

It was really strange, actually. It's almost like someone else wrote the issue. I mean, I know that's not actually the case, but wtf, it was a totally different style than the ones leading up to it.

At the same time, it says a lot that I'm disappointed by a slightly-better-than-mediocre issue of Hellblazer now. I used to be really excited by a slightly-worse-than-mediocre issue, because that meant it wasn't being really-fucking-awful for once.

Hmm. Odd. We'll have to see where things go from here.

hellblazer, reading, comics

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