Title: Gimmick Game Pairings: Sehun/Kai, Luhan/Kris, Baekhyun/Chanyeol Summary: Sehun loves dares. Luhan is competitive. Baekhyun has high standards. And they're all virgins.
Title: Gimmick Game Pairings: Sehun/Kai, Luhan/Kris, Baekhyun/Chanyeol Summary: Sehun loves dares. Luhan is competitive. Baekhyun has high standards. And they're all virgins. hs!au
Title: Gimmick Game Pairings: Sehun/Kai, Luhan/Kris, Baekhyun/Chanyeol, EXO Summary: Sehun loves dares. Luhan is competitive. Baekhyun has high standards. And they're all virgins. hs!au
Title: Presence (All of Me) Pairing: Kris/Luhan Rating: R for character death Summary: Watch this and it says everything → krishan // all of me + ending twist