Jun 04, 2006 19:01
1. If I were an incarnation, it would be Peace. To be able to walk into a room and the people in it feel a total sense of calm and ease would be so awesome! For more of an illustration on incarnations, read Piers Anthony's series of the same name.
2. I love to read, I know that I spent most of my yearly earnings of 2005 on books. In elementary school my teachers would have to tell me to stop reading and start paying attention to the math we were studying. I had incredible reading and writing scores on the MEAP test. Instead of contributing to conversation's with friends, I will read the magazine on the coffee table. I'll even read the place mat at the diner. I wanted to be a high school English teacher, but I will probably find more job availability as a Biology teacher (so thats what I am doing instead)
3. My personality and the way I see myself is always changing. It might get better when my life is more stable (i.e. career in place and family established) Its not to say that I am an unstable person, there is always a consistent layer that I adhere to. I see so many avenues that I can take in life, and be satisfied with any one. I would like to think that this is to my advantage, that I am flexible and am able to weather what ever life throws my way, but I hope it doesn't cripple me when (and if) I find someone to spend the rest of my life with.
4. I looooove music! I would be at such a lost if I were to loose my hearing. I do not have a favorite genre in particular, but I do listen to what fits my mood. To accentuate my aural pleasure, I will listen to an album on earphones, so I can hear and pull apart all the layers of a song. I enjoy deciphering what the artist is trying to say, and the more enigmatic a song is, the more rewarding it is to listen to it.
5. I have never been drunk, ever. And I really don't plan on it ever happening, not much one for
alcohol. That also applies to being high on a drug, nope, not going to happen.
6. I enjoy watching/reading anime, science fiction, and shows like Law and Order for the moral/ethic story lines they always take on. Just like with my music, I appreciate watching something I can think about, not just ooooh and aaahh at the pretty sounds and the beautiful bodies on the screen.
7. I have 2 cats, Cole and Smokey, they are 10+ years old. I also have two cats who live with my ex, Aika and Whitey, I miss them terribly and its almost been a year since I have seen them :(
8. Seiobo is the name of my Final Fantasy XI character. I haven't played the game in half a year, and I don't know if I will ever again.
9. I am very shy, I probably appear like a snob to those who don't know me. When I am in my comfort zone I am very bubbly and can talk for hours. I am not sure what exactly it is that causes my shyness, I guess its that initial introduction and finding my way to contribute to group discussions that causes me to keep mute. I don't like parties where people are being obnoxious and stupid, which seems to be the majority of parties held by my peers.
10. I really enjoy learning about other cultures and ethnicities. The world is soooo beautiful and complex, I feel so lucky to be here. I view everyone with the same respect and understanding, I could never imagine myself looking down on someone because of how much money they make, or the color of their skin, or the God they worship. The only time I can bring myself to dislike someone is when I feel as though they have disregard for the life and people around them, be for whatever reason. I want to contribute to the better of the world with all my might, that is my life goal.
11. I have two younger sisters, Veronika (21) and Nicole (19) Both of them are amazing people in their own right, even though I am afraid that Veronika has lost her way, but hopefully just for the time being (but more on that in another blog, for sure) Veronika has a daughter, Natalie (pronounced like Natalia) My parents are still together, they have their fights, but as far as I know they are happy. They will be celebrating their 25th anniversary next year, that is so amazing to me, I am so proud of them! XD
12. My paternal grandmother is the only living grandparent I have. I am going to be such a mess when she passes on, even though I am aware and comfortable with the fact sometime it will be her day to pass on. My grandfathers both passed away within a year of each other about 15 years ago. My maternal grandmother died in 2004, I got the news in between classes at college.
13. I have been a strict ovo-lacto vegetarian for five years now. I really don't like it defining who I am, but for me it does embody a philosophy and moral conduct that I adhere to. I also try to buy products that haven't been tested on animals, and that do not include animal products. I don't care that people are omnivores, I plan on my family being so, but people seem to take my being vegetarian as a way for me to be holier-then-thou. I really don't feel like I am better then anyone because I abstain from meat, I just want to treat animals with as much respect as I imbue on my fellow man.
14. I would have to say that Princess Leia is my hero (lol) I think that she is the ideal woman. Able to kick your ass, but fall in love and have a family while being involved with her career as a diplomat.
15. I really only like to be called "Pamela". Whenever people call me "Pam", it sounds to me like Sam, or Dan, etc. I love my name, its so melodic. It means mischievous elf, lol. My mom had my name picked out for me since she was 10, it was her best friend's name at the time.
16. I have two godmothers. One of them is my paternal aunt, and her husband is my godfather, the other is my maternal aunt. I guess the priest at my church said thats how it had to be, meh.
17. I have been raised in the Episcopal church for all my life. At one point I even thought about being a priest (until a boyfriend told me that woman were not suppose to be priest, reverends, etc. to which I scoff at such silliness now) I feel as though that I am agnostic, even though I do lean towards Christianity, maybe because its familiar. I respect all religions, unless they have prejudice towards a certain group of people, or have a total disdain for life in general, but I think thats understandable. I think finding "God" is a personal journey, and that someone should never be coerced into a religion. I do think that their is something that made this world possible, life is too intricate for it to be all the fortunate miss happening of science. I am very spiritual though, and I adhere to my own moral code, which is fair and strict in its own right.
18. I personally feel that the body is just a sort of house for the soul for this Earth bound world. What happens to a soul when the body dies is anyone's guess, but I do like the idea of there being another plane of existence that the bodiless soul exist in. When I die, which I totally expect to happen, and that my only wish is that my death be as quick and painless as possible, I want my body to be used for science and donation of whatever organs/tissue as is possible. I think it is a total waste to keep a body in tact as much as possible, it would be so incredible to be able to better society even in death! At my funeral, I want white chrysanthemums, and for everyone attending to celebrate my life, not mourn my death, after all, its just my earth bound house that is dead, not the essence that they feel attached to XD
19. I am part Dutch, English, Scottish, Irish, German and who knows, maybe something else (my paternal grandmother was adopted, so thats 1/4 of myself thats unaccounted for) I really don't think of my actions as "oh, that must be my German side of me internalizing my anger" But I do with my physical features, such as my short toes and hazel blue eyes from my Scottish part, my dark hair from my Irish, and almost masculine shape face from my German side (German women do tend to have a more handsome, then say feminine delicate, pretty face!) The subject of genetics does interest me to a great deal, and I love learning as much as possible about it :)
20. I think that you, yes you, are very special, and I am glad that you are in the world, I would love to learn about you (as much as you would like me to learn about you ; ) lol) We may not agree on everything, hell, we may not agree on anything at all, but I respect you. Thank you for reading my blog XD (this message is intended for everyone who reads my blog, the entire world really, but for obvious reasons that is not possible for me to express to the world from Live Journal, just want to clarify that I don't mean anyone in particular :D )