Congratulations again to all of the winners! Please save and upload your banner(s) to your own server. Thank you! This week’s banners were made by naturalbluicons. =) To volunteer to make banners click here!
Good morning Soul Eater fans! This is your reminder to vote on Challenge 001! If you have not voted yet, please do so here. Voting will end at 11:00 p.m. EST.
Thank you to everyone who entered this week's challenge! Please vote for your favorite three icons and the special category. This week’s special category will be Best Coloring! Please don't vote for your own icons. Voting will end on Monday, March 30, 2009 at 11:00 PM, EST. Results will be posted shortly after! Good luck
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This is your Final Reminder to enter Challenge 001! We have 15 entries which is great, considering it was a short challenge with no weekend, but more would be fantastic, so get those entries in! Remember, you can enter up to three icons. =)
This is your Mid-Week Reminder to enter Challenge 001! I know it's a shortened entry period for this one, but we have seven entries already, so I am confident that we will have plenty for voting by Friday night. Hooray! =D