Jun 08, 2006 22:54
I had an amusing yet annoying encounter at work with this very large customer while I was hauling the ice to put into the ice boxes. He was large in the sense that he was conical, smaller at the shoulders and gradually bulging out at his middle.
Seiber: *drags in the ice cart, starts heaving a bucket of ice into the ice box*
Large Customer: You should get a big burly man to do that for you.
Seiber: *WTF?* I am a big burly man.
Large Customer: ???
Seiber: I just take hormones.
Large Customer: Oh, I was just saying it's better to get someone to do things for you. That wasn't sexist or anything.
Seiber: *I'll just be taking my ice over here now* *moves on*
life stories