Jun 08, 2006 09:25
So we were chatting about on IM, the three of us, and a random little troll popped into the chatroom, after a discussion of angsty-Dreadmoon with a MySpace.
[17:15] BlackRamTruckin: Oh, Wayward's put up another one of "those" Insecticomics, btw Seiber.
[17:15] BlackRamTruckin: We shall have to inform 'Boots of THAT when she turns up too.
[17:15] SunstoneWEAPON: oh yes.
[17:15] BlackRamTruckin: *grin*
[17:15] BlackRamTruckin: 3-way plotting. This is good.
[17:15] BlackRamTruckin: We should do it more often.
[17:16] SunstoneWEAPON: *cackle* Yes.
[17:16] SpidergirlV: Threeways are good--"those"?
[17:16] BlackRamTruckin: We'll need a better chatroom name than the generic one though. *points upwards*
[17:16] BlackRamTruckin: "Those".
[17:16] BlackRamTruckin: I figured that was easier than typing Starscrea,/Dreadmoon/Thrust every time. ;)
[17:16] BlackRamTruckin: *Starscream
[17:17] SpidergirlV: Although in LJ-verse, Thrust would be gloating like hell.
[17:17] BlackRamTruckin: *laughs* This is very true.
[17:18] SpidergirlV: Around the second panel of that, after "Dreadmoon has a blog?", I had a HUGELY disturbing image of Dreadmoon angsting about on MySpace.
[17:18] BlackRamTruckin: *sporfle* Oh dear...
[17:19] SunstoneWEAPON: *dies!*
[17:19] SpidergirlV: Mood: depressed Music: *insert angsty Cybertronian song*
[17:19] SunstoneWEAPON: "Bring Me To Activation"?
[17:19] SpidergirlV: *insert rant about how Starscream doesn't love him and his life sucks*
[17:19] BlackRamTruckin: *snicker*
[17:25] SpidergirlV: *insert long string of interweb drama threads between Starscream's friends and Dreadmoon*
[17:25] SunstoneWEAPON: *insert anonymous comments about how these kids need to get a life and/or convert to Christianity*
[17:26] BlackRamTruckin: *insert the inevitable random trollspam comment*
[17:27] SunstoneWEAPON: *insert Dreadmoon friendslocking EVERYTHING*
[17:29] SpidergirlV: *insert new post about how Starscream sucks and several sockpuppets of Starscream*
[17:56] SpidergirlV: ?
[17:56] SunstoneWEAPON: *is attempting to write; brain is frozen*
[17:56] SpidergirlV: *puts brain in warm water*
[17:57] SunstoneWEAPON: Brain: *thaws and soaks*
[17:58] SpidergirlV: And thus Dreadmoon appears on fandom_wank.
[17:58] SunstoneWEAPON: Bwah.
[18:16] *** xMBx4evax has joined the chat.
[18:17] xMBx4evax: hey who are you ppl
[18:17] SpidergirlV: WTF?
[18:17] xMBx4evax: som won put me in a chat room
[18:17] SpidergirlV: You are intruding upon our porn!
[18:17] SunstoneWEAPON: I guess our chat room name was too generic.
[18:18] xMBx4evax: well you guys are bitches than if you lookm up porn
[18:18] *** xMBx4evax has left the chat.
[18:18] SpidergirlV: Look up? I wish.
[18:18] *** BlackRamTruckin has left the chat.
[18:18] SpidergirlV: That was odd...
[18:18] SunstoneWEAPON: *splorflefit* XD XD XD
[18:18] SpidergirlV: WTF, seriously.
[18:18] *** xMBx4evax has joined the chat.
[18:18] SunstoneWEAPON: That was special. XD
[18:18] SpidergirlV: I wish there was more porn of the Cyclonus/Demolisher variety.
[18:18] *** BlackRamTruckin has joined the chat.
[18:19] SpidergirlV: But I cannot look it up. Google is useless.
[18:19] SunstoneWEAPON: Could try Wiki.
[18:19] SpidergirlV: Wiki for robot porn? Hm.
[18:19] BlackRamTruckin: Sorry about that guys, that was my connection cutting out. Again.
[18:19] BlackRamTruckin: What're you trying to look up?
[18:19] SunstoneWEAPON: If there isn't an entry, there should be.
[18:19] SpidergirlV: Cyclonus/Demolisher fic.
[18:19] BlackRamTruckin: In general, or a particular fic?
[18:20] SpidergirlV: Any fic.
[18:20] xMBx4evax: you guys are fuckin retartied
[18:20] SpidergirlV: ...bwa!
[18:20] SpidergirlV: Retartied?
[18:20] BlackRamTruckin: Who the fuck're you?
[18:20] xMBx4evax: porn is the worst thing ever
[18:20] SpidergirlV: Not robot porn! That is a gift from Primus himself!
[18:20] SpidergirlV: Or at least Alpha Trion.
[18:20] SunstoneWEAPON: I think we've picked up a troll. I shall feed him lettuce.
[18:21] BlackRamTruckin: And how the hell did you get into out chatroom?
[18:21] SpidergirlV: It's cute, though.
[18:21] *** xMBx4evax has left the chat.
I have him on my buddy list. He comes back, I'll porn him.