I have had crowning moment of awesome. And it was awesome.
I have a nice outfit now (Dana Buchman amethyst velvet jacket--serious snazzy, my mom picked it up at a second-hand store) and despite my general dislike of fashion I became rather fond of it when Mom gave it to me at Thanksgiving. I felt like dressing up today and wore it with my pretty-but-discreet corset underneath despite the fact that it's windy and freezing outside and really not much better inside the classrooms.
This was also my last day of Physics of Sound and Music with the epic Dr. Ruiz. Now, for most of class he's been rocking out on his keyboard as Ruizes are want to do and now he's getting into MIDIs and similar computer programs. It's five or ten minutes until class ends and he wants a volunteer. Someone who doesn't know much about music.
Of course my hand is up instantly.
He gestures for me to come on down (not that far, I'm in the second row). I try to take my big coat off before I go down, because it's bulky and ugly and I only wear it because the front of Robinson Auditorium gets really cold. However, velvet is fond of friction and instead of just sliding off my black down parka I accidentally remove my jacket as well. This lands me in an inadvertently dramatic moment of standing up, setting my shoulders, shedding everything down to my corset and striding down the steps to the computer podium.
Ruiz is excited about whatever he wants me to do, but then again he's excited about everything and he's been playing electric keyboard all lesson and is doubly hyped up. He does...something with the computer and announces I'm going to be the conductor for today, demonstrating this by pressing the H key repeatedly. I give it a few pokes and understand that the faster I press it, the faster the music goes, somewhat akin to a conductor waving his hands to keep the tempo going. I press and keep pressing.
And I find I'm conducting
Les Toreadors from Carmen with my index finger.
I get into the rhythm after a few moments, Ruiz is waving his arms about and the music's going faster and faster and slower in the slow bits and then up to the big climax all perfectly and on the bloody dot the music ends EXACTLY at 3:00. The final second of the final minute of the final lecture of the final class. Class applause. Ruizflail. He put my name up as today's quiz question/answer quizzes basically being proof of attendance, since the answer's always obvious but you have to have been in class to know what the question was) and basically claimed to be 'blown away', although I'm sure most of it was just his natural glee at music.
I need to wear my corset more often.