Trade logs 2 for tcg_exchange

Sep 22, 2008 08:28

Trade Log

- Traded camorra06 for unwanted15 with inanefreeloader[366].
- Traded pluto17 for unwanted05 with mmrobitussin[367].
- Traded hostess09 for gemini14 with taynis[368].
- Traded knight20 for gemini07 with azurial[369].
- Traded sharingan05 and ideals13 for monkey06 and unwanted02 with resonancy[370-371].
- Traded nobodies15 for novelist17 at the Card Exchange.
- Traded persocom11 and willow20 for abyssinian05 and lucky10 with rashiea[372-373].
- Traded plan10 for left15 with rashiea[374].
- Traded arthur08 for emo07 with xx-lotus-xx[375].
- Traded splat04, half18 and perfect15 for emo05, emo12, noble16 and zero06 with resonancy[376-378].
- Traded grin07 for jagan09 with rashiea[379].
- Traded crow14 for possess15 with inanefreeloader[380].
- Traded plan16 and pantera13 for monkey04 and monkey19 with rashiea[381-382].
- Traded souen38 for lancelot18 with bonafide_nocta[383].
- Traded dust15 and ice15 for twin10 and revenge07 with rashiea[384-385].
- Traded inferno03 for sugar06 with inanefreeloader[386].
- Traded wishes12 for monkey12 with corinn[387].
- Traded chopin12 and prodigy11 for hunter02 and twin06 with mmrobitussin[388-389].
- Traded crimson14 and sky18 for crossover16 with corinn[390].
- Traded dreams12 for emo14 with shadow_desires[391].
- Traded fox12 for hunter18 with xx-lotus-xx[392].
- Traded arthur09 for twin18 with xx_lotus_xx[393].
- Traded peace09 for possess19 with kaurin[394].
- Traded plan09 and pantera03 for gemini16 and bomb17 with rashiea[395-396].
- Traded noa14 for left11 and hunter09 with xx-lotus-xx[397-398].
- Traded lunar05 and fiance20 for emo03 and emo19 with naominzk[399-400].
- Traded 13th17 for twin13 with rashiea[401].
- Traded loyal12 for emo06 with mmrobitussin[402].
- Traded count01 and princess01 for zero09 and plan01 with bonafide_nocta[403-404].
- Traded smokes04 & smokes08 for monkey10 & monkey11 with azurial[405-406].
- Traded armor09 and colonel05 for half18 and lucky07 with rashiea[407-408].
- Traded smokes18 for emo16 with rashiea[409].
- Traded siberian20 for left05 with mobiuswolf[410].
- Traded key08 for jagan07 with corinn[411].
- Traded pluto04 for archer07 with royalbk[412].
- Traded rain06, hueg09 and saturn07 for black19, hunter13 and emo01 with taynis[413-415].
- Traded willow05 and sakujo05 for gekidasa18 and silver13 with rashiea[416-417].
- Traded prey07 for hunter01 with resonancy[418].
- Traded tensai15 for gemini13 with stuffedpanda[419].
- Traded ginryuu12 for silver05 with rashiea[420].
- Traded possess05 and wolf10 for possess09 and zero19 with kirikaito[421-422].
- Traded ougi14 for left13 and lancelot05 with kirikaito[423].
- Traded camorra05 and swallow16 for bomb04 and sugar12 with inanefreeloader[424-425].
- Traded saturn13 and crimson11 for left19 and flute08 with corinn[426].
- Traded armor16 for archer10 with rashiea[427].
- Traded knowledge09 for extreme09 with whitelilies22[428].
- Traded kibouhou09 for revenge05 at the Card Ex.
- Traded celes03 for noble20 with eeveelyn[429].
- Traded snake12 and book11 for bomb03 and bomb16 with bonafide_nocta[430-431].
- Traded photos10 for possess10 with stuffedpanda[432].
- Traded wank05 for sugar03 with bonafide_nocta[433].
- Traded copy20 and knight01 for bite10 and plan07 with royalbk[434-435].
- Traded bokuto09 for sugar01 with stuffedpanda[436].
- Traded celes03 and morph18 for possess17 and sleep16 with rashiea[437].
- Traded strahl11 and strahl14 for black18 and gemini10 with resonancy[438].
- Traded possess17, horse03 and saturn10 for sleep13, ice15 and hunter05 with taynis[439-441].
- Traded sky08 and heart01 for plan03 and guard10 with kitsuneasika[442-443].
- Traded cohost13 for left08 with kaurin[444].
- Traded 13th04 and willow01 for black14 and ice04 with rashiea[445-446].
- Traded branch15 for twin07 with mithanimboo[447].
- Traded snake08 for phantom04 with bonafide_nocta[448].
- Traded sharingan07 and chaos20 for zero08 and ice17 with resonancy[449-450].
- Traded sakujo09 and silent16 for phantom09 and doujin10 with manaka_baku[451-452].
- Traded fiance04 for noble03 with naominzk[453].
- Traded twin11 for bite11 with mobiuswolf[454].
- Traded summon09 for sugar04 with bottledenigma[455].
- Traded bokuto12 for black20 with stuffedpanda[456].
- Traded 08th07 for bite12 with whitelilies22[457].
- Traded celes02 for black10 with whitelilies22[458].
- Traded doujin10 for left04 with resonancy[459].
- Traded exia12 for extreme18 with kaurin[460].
- Traded trumpet17 for plan16 with stuffedpanda[461].
- Traded albhed07 for hunter12 with kaurin[462].
- Traded wishes02 for bombay18 with rashiea[463].
- Traded rose02 and writer05 for dragon02 and ideals15 with ukiyuki[465-466].
- Traded writer15 for dragon18 with ukiyuki[467].
- Traded short11 for twin15 with bonafide_nocta[468].
- Traded cherry13 for archer15 with eeveelyn[469].
- Traded sky02 for axeman02 with corinn[470].
- Traded bokuto01 for bite 04 with inanefreeloader[471].
- Traded flower16 and pervert18 for sugar20 at the Card Exchange.
- Traded phantom07 for hunter08 with stuffedpanda[472].
- Traded prey02 and prey10 for hunter15 and hunter17 with mobiuswolf[473-474].
- Traded splat08 for persocom17 at the Card Exchange.
- Traded pluto15, pluto16, willow10, photos13 and persocom17 for 13th12, archer19, emo11, sleep19 and black17 with rashiea[475-479].
- Traded logic01 & logic18 for archer02 and dragon14 with resonancy[480-481].
- Traded hell05 for my sleep06 with mobiuswolf[482].
- Traded celes08 for protect01 with rashiea[483].
- Traded king19 and woobie1 for abyssinian13 and dragon09 with ms-poptart[484-485].
- Traded time15 and hostess15 for crossover01 with kaurin[486].
- Traded egyptian11 for left02 with resonancy[487].
- Traded seventh14 and raven06 for 13th20 and lancelot19 with naominzk[488-489].
- Traded rose16 and duck20 for dragon13 and archer04 with mmrobitussin[490-491].
- Traded short10 for black11 with bonafide_nocta[492].
- Traded bokuto11 for bite06 with inanefreeloader[493].
- Traded hueg11 for hunter03 with taynis[494].
- Traded esper16 for hat06 with ms-poptart[495].
- Traded count05 and souen11 for sleep18 and extreme08 with bonafide_nocta[496-497].
- Traded hostess08 for phantom14 with royalbk[498].
- Traded heartless04 and cynic18 for mafia07 with corinn[499].
- Traded pizza12 for sleep10 with shadow_desires[500].
- Traded crossover12 for catcher12 and twin14 with naominzk[501].
- Traded magic01, magic04, magic05 and puzzle16 for catcher02, catcher20, abyssinian06 and sleep03 with rashiea[502-505].
- Traded design10 and design12 for wank13 and woobie20 with rashiea[506-507].
- Traded sketch03 and seventh09 for princess07 and wank06 with mobiuswolf[508].
- Traded firearm17 for switch03 with rashiea[509].
- Traded time11 for black12 with corinn[510].
- Traded camorra17 for wank 20 with corinn[511].
- Traded hacker11 for princess19 with resonancy[512].
- Traded exsphere20 for bite03 with azurial[513].
- Traded illusion10 for catcher09 with royalbk[514].
- Traded thunder06 for pitcher19 with naominzk[515].
- Traded mafia1 for hat20 and zero16 with ms-poptart[516].
- Traded white20 for ideals03 with ms-poptart[517].
- Traded gene02, knight20, money04 and heartless16 for crossover12, princess16 and ice09 with mmrobitussin[518-520].
- Traded saturn07 & cocoa13 for black08 and bombay15 with rashiea[521-522].
- Traded mafia04 for ideals14 and hat03 with ms-poptart[523].
- Traded moon17 & right03 for ideals01 and ginryuu19 with rashiea[524-525].
- Traded sight05, gay07, gay10 and gay16 for pitcher02, ice18, half08, wank03, wank07, flute04 and flute17 with stuffedpanda[526-529].
- Traded morph10 for emo04 with rashiea[530].
- Traded monkey03 for gemini19 with kaurin[531].
- Traded ceo10 for flute19 with shadow_desires[532].
- Traded kansai01 and volley05 for emo09 and emo20 with 07-cents[533-534].
- Traded grin15 and tensai16 for abyssinian02 and woobie02 with whitelilies22[535-536].
- Gifted axeman03 by mmrobitussin.
- Traded emo20 for kakumei19 with rashiea[537].
- Traded illusion06 for ideals03 with royalbk[538].
- Traded crossover14 for count15 and archer12 with stuffedpanda[539].
- Traded prey06 for dragon01 with mobiuswolf[540].
- Traded report01 for twin04 with xx-lotus-xx[541].
- Traded drill10 for extreme17 with inanefreeloader[542].
- Traded flower16 and thunder04 for flute02 and extreme02 with rashiea[543-544].
- Traded pokedex47, pokedex57, pokedex72, pokedex88, & raven04 for count01, axeman20, flame19, jagan20 and hat04 with rashiea[545-549].
- Traded solar13 for count13 with azurial[550].
- Traded apple07 & liek08 for cow13 and cow19 with rashiea[551-552].
- Traded catcher04 for black04 with bonafide_nocta[553].
- Traded white05 for extreme14 with blowsquirt[554].
- Gifted archer20 by kirikaito.
- Traded ougi12 for hunter10 at the CardEx.
- Gifted black09 by rashiea.
- Traded catcher09 for pitcher15 with bonafide_nocta[555].
- Traded manager01 for 13th01 with xx_lotus_xx[556].
- Traded dynames05 for twin17 with stuffedpanda[557].
- Traded alien20 for guard20 with corinn[558].
- Traded medic20, volley01, firearm05 and gurren06 for dragon12, sleep07, woobie13 and wife20 with mithanimboo[559-562].
- Traded princess18 for switch13 with ms_poptart[563].
- Traded chaos04 for dragon10 with mobiuswolf[564].
- Traded liek13, puzzle15, pokedex18, pokedex40 and pokedex64 for catcher04, catcher17, woobie08, woobie18 and wank18 with rashiea[565-568].
- Traded nobodies13 for bombay01 at the Card Exchange.
- Traded bombay01 for zero05 with ms-poptart[569].
- Traded cynic05 for pitcher09 with corinn[570].
- Traded hell02 and duck08 for phantom02 and ideals02 with mobiuswolf[571-572].
- Traded prince05 for black02 with caitirin[573].
- Traded prodigy02 for plan15 with tezuka_zone_pot[574].
- Traded solar19 for count13 with azurial[575].
- Traded producer11 for catcher18 with blowsquirt[576].
- Traded dust20 for archer03 with stuffedpanda[577].
- Traded pokedex104 & colonel17 for kakumei01 and kakumei06 with rashiea[578].
- Exchanged lost soul and trish fairy cards for 1 uri and 1 alana spirit cards at the Fairy Card Exchange.
- Traded kyuubi05 for zero03 with azurial[579].
- Traded underage08 and underage19 for sleep17, plan10 and black15 with itsplashes[580-581].
- Traded celes09 and celes10 for twin02 and plan13 with rashiea[582-583].
- Traded manager14 and heist20 for ice02 and pitcher16 with xx_lotus_xx[584].
- Traded kansai07, dog17, dog19, heartless03, and logic09 for axeman10, howl16, kakumei18, sister05, and sister15 with rashiea[585-588].
- Traded loveless10 and loveless20 for crossover09 with card spirit uri.
- Traded persocom02 & persocom11 for lucky20 and flute03 with corinn[589].
- Traded thief11 for hat01 with ms_poptart[590].
- Traded pitcher12 for plan09 with bonafide_nocta[591].
- Traded raven10 for zero20 with jellyfish72[592].
- Traded lunar12 for archer13 with rashiea[593].
- Traded gay05 for sister08 and protect15 with rashiea[594].
- Traded sms02 & persocom13 for scatter07 and gekidasa12 with corinn[595-596].
- Gifted pitcher08, pitcher05, pitcher01, catcher15, catcher14, catcher05, lancelot12 and zero01 by illeistic.
- Traded friend12 for switch01 with taynis[597].
- Traded tensai13 for count08 with sugarsnapsxx[598].
- Traded morph15 for woobie10 with rashiea[599].
- Lotto got Masterball.
- Traded masterball for ring event card with rashiea[600].
- Traded 8th09 for lynx12 with imply[601].
- Traded co-host18 and despair12 for dragon05 and woobie14 with imply[602-603].
- Traded pitcher5 and pitcher13 for black05 and black07 with imply[604-605].
- Traded loveless12 and lynx12 for black15 and twin08 with card spirit uri.
- Traded knight10, twin20, king08, morph19, and cynic11 for wank11, kuso11, guard06, woobie06 and plan17 with rashiea[606-610].
- Traded pokedex76 for sleep05 with rashiea[611].
- Traded rekka17, souen07, summon10 and pokedex21 for extreme20, crossover10 and wank10 with bonafide_nocta[612-614].
- Traded seal20 for switch04 with sugarsnapsxx[615].
- Traded flame01 and swallow20 for crossover03 with inanefreeloader[616].
- Traded right09 for left16 with mobiuswolf[617].
- Traded medic09 and virtue13 for mafia08 with royalbk[618].
- Traded sos18 for woobie12 with taynis[619].
- Traded dark19 and freak01 for flute12 and wife11 with bonafide_nocta[620-621].
- Traded splat03 and jellopy37 for lancelot11, pitcher04 and ideals12 with itsplashes[622-623].
- Traded colonel06 for twin12 with card spirit Alana.
- Traded gemini09 for princess10 with rashiea[624].
- Traded devil18 & volley17 for zero07 and kakumei10 with rashiea[625-626].
- Traded manager18 & nya06 for princess05 and kakumei11 with rashiea[627-628].
- Traded siberian8 and jellopy94 for nishiura06 with ms-poptart[629].
- Traded tensai04 for switch06 with royalbk[625].
- Traded shark05, shark18 and peace08 for flute01, wife12 and phantom15 with inanefreeloader[626-628].
- Traded lolicon18 for bombay01 with xx-lotus-xx[629].
- Traded mafia13, drill05, and drill07 for nishiura08, kakumei15 and wife19 with mithanimboo[630-632].
- Traded hunter03, prey13 and clown09 for dragon01, dragon17 and flute20 with mmrobitussin[633-635].
- Traded straight17 for silver04 with tezuka-zone-pot[636].
- Traded 13th15 for virtue10 with blowsquirt[637].
- Traded gekidasa17 and dog01 for jagan13 and ideals19 with rashiea[638-639].
- Traded pantera19 for extreme06 with sugarsnapsxx[640].
- Traded persocom15 for princess18 with taynis[641].
- Traded gemini01 for extreme04 with rashiea[642].
- Traded pokedex134 for princess20 with inanefreeloader[643].
- Traded hostess20 for flute13 with tezuka_zone_pot[644].
- Traded knight20 and copy12 for nishiura02 with royalbk[645].
- Traded pokedex20 for princess02 with rashiea[646].
- Traded candy19 for pitcher11 with sugarsnapsxx[647].
- Traded siberian05 for pitcher12 with ms_poptart[648].
- Traded oresama16 for exorcist 10 with rashiea[649].
- Traded heartless02, heartless03, ougi08 for bombay10, ideals13, tease18, switch19 with mobiuswolf[650-653].
- Traded ruffles06 for guard03 with kaurin[654].
- Traded dust18 for sleep08 with stuffedpanda[654].
- Traded half15 for sleep20 with azurial[655].
- Traded co-host15 and emo14 for sister04 and woobie11 with tezuka_zone_pot[656-657].
- Traded forget20 and dies05 for ideals20 and count09 with kaurin[658].
- Traded hachi19 and plushie04 for memory03 and memory06 with xx_lotus_xx[659-660].
- Traded 10th01 and 10th14 for sleep01 and sleep02 with ms_poptart[661-662].
- Traded rekka30 for pitcher13 with bonafide_nocta[659].
- Traded sms14 & stalker09 for brother09 and exorcist12 with corinn[660].
- Traded hunter05 for extreme12 with mobiuswolf[661].
- Traded dynames10 for lucky03 with rashiea[662].
- Traded moon14 for guard09 with taynis[663].
- Traded split14 for ideals08 with naominzk[664].
- Traded chopin04 for abyssinian16 with whitelilies22[665].
- Traded white13 for phantom07 with ms_poptart[666].
- Traded forget03 for archer11 with tezuka_zone_pot[667].
- Traded copy13 for plan08 with hitomik[668].
- Traded disney11 for mafia14 with rashiea[669].
- Traded angel01, and angel07 for kuso08, and kuso14 with rashiea[670-671].
- Traded boots04 and short14 for siberian20 and wife10 with shadow-desires[672-673].
- Traded kyuubi13 and kyuubi14 for mafia10 with rashiea[674].
- Traded smile02 and west09 for catcher03 and extreme05 with inanefreeloader[675-676].
- Traded chopin20, grin01, and siberian20 for frown04, kakumei14, and sister06 with whitelilies22[677-679].
- Traded bride11 and shark16 for abyssinian09 and ideals05 with naominzk[680-681].
- Traded 900005 for grin01 at the Card Ex.
- Traded kyrios19 for abyssinian19 with blowsquirt[682].
- Traded dynames13 for phantom18 with blowsquirt[683].
- Traded fox09 for brother15 with royalbk[684].
- Traded curse03 for pitcher20 with mobiuswolf[685].
- Traded bomb08 for switch12 with ms_poptart[686].
- Traded lancelot08 for sister03 with tezuka_zone_pot[687].
-Traded snake17 for extreme15 with _androgynous_[688].
- Traded rain19 for ideals13 with ms_poptart[689].
- Traded lunar03 for woobie16 with azurial[690].
- Traded morph02, colonel20, and heartless18 and for pitcher07, phantom05 and phantom13 with mmrobitussin[691-693].
- Traded plushie12 for count10 with imply[694].
- Traded author05 for ice19 with xx-lotus-xx[695].
- Traded ougi16, lynx20, unsent12, and crow15 for nishiura04, axeman04, axeman15, and shark20 with bonafide_nocta[696-699].
- Traded pokedex38 for wife09 with taynis[700].
- Traded possess02 for tease20 with ms-poptart[701].
- Traded count15 and count16 for catcher06 and kuso02 with ms-poptart[702-703].
- Traded trumpet03 for brother11 with kaurin[704].
- Traded co-host16 for wank08 with tezuka_zone_pot[705].
- Traded plushie12 for count10 with imply[706].
- Traded plushie12 for silver08 with xx-lotus-xx[707].
- Traded silver05, silver11, and silver13 for kakumei02, kuso10, and catcher10 with rashiea[708-710].
- Traded dreams01 for plan18 with shadow_desires[711].
- Traded dust06 for archer14 with stuffedpanda[712].
- Traded drill06 and exia07 for exorcist01 and exorcist19 with mithanimboo[713-714].
- Traded 08th01 for kuso03 with kitsuneasika[715].
- Traded ainu01 and ainu03 for youkai and youkai with stuffedpanda[716-717].
- Traded wishes13 for switch18 with ms-poptart[718].
- Traded orb10 for youkai03 with whitelilies22[719].
- Traded distant09 for seer12 with rashiea[720].
- Traded flute15 for brother04 with shikumo[721].
- Traded knight16 and heist02 for exorcist15 and ice16 with stuffedpanda[722-723].
- Traded pyro09 and souen26 for brother14 and guard05 with bonafide_nocta[724-725].
- Traded snacks11 for seer07 with mobiuswolf[726].
- Traded pokedex04, pokedex10, and pokedex94 for pitcher18, bombay11, and abyssinian17 with kaurin[727-729].
- Traded rat18 for seer16 with rashiea[730].
- Traded photos03 for flute06 with shadow-desires[731].
- Exchanged 1 Rank A Cert for orb04, cuffs16, and spirit15.
- Exchanged 2 Rank C Certs to a Rank B Cert.
- Traded horse18 for youkai11 with ms-poptart[732].
- Traded spirit15 for seer17 with inanefreeloader[733].
- Traded cuffs16 for youkai18 with bonafide_nocta[734].
- Traded orb04 and orb 12 for seer03 and seer18 with whitelilies22[735-736].
- Traded axe17 for distant15 with mobiuswolf[737].
- Traded firearm03 for memory11 with ukiyuki[738].
- Traded 900010 for orb05 at the Card Ex.
- Traded sky01 for switch09 with bottledenigma[739].
- Traded orb05 for seer09 with whitelilies22[740].
- Traded ruffles19 for switch08 with stuffedpanda[741].
- Traded four12 for youkai05 with naominzk[742].
- Traded ghosts12 and petals12 for youkai02 and youkai04 with mmrobitussin[743-744].
- Traded lucky07, data07, and kyuubi19 for ideals16, ideals17, and count06 with rashiea[745-747].
- Traded jenova09 for seer08 with bottledenigma[748].
- Traded fiance01 for silver06 with ms_poptart[749].
- Traded esper02 for tease15 with kaurin[750].
- Traded pokedex83 for youkai08 with rashiea[751].
- Traded bride09 for jagan08 with rashiea[752].
- Traded april12, april19, and april20 for seer06, seer11, and seer13 with kaurin[753-755].
- Traded peace04 for abyssinian14 with inanefreeloader[756].
- Traded sakujo17, exia02, and ainu14 for memory05, wank19, and youkai01 with stuffedpanda[757-759].
- Traded orb11 for youkai15 with whitelilies22[760].
- Traded sketch09 for exorcist04 with templated[761].
- Traded noa11 for seer15 at the Card Ex.
- Traded vision17 for guard11 with whitelilies11[762].
- Traded emo18 for princess13 with tezuka_zone_pot[763].
- Traded brother03 for wings02 with rashiea[764].
- Traded light18 for memory07 with templated[765].
- Traded complex15 and novelist14 for axeman05 and princess11 with xx-lotus-xx[766-767].
- Traded photos18 and sos15 for catcher19 and wank05 with ms-poptart[768-769].
- Traded illusion01 for exorcist20 with rashiea[770].
- Traded exsphere01 and volley18 for tease16 and maou05 with whitelilies22[771-772].
- Traded otaku09 for phantom04 with ukiyuki[773].
- Traded second16 and bride10 for nishiura05 with rashiea[774].
- Traded jenova18 for flute16 with bottledenigma[775].
- Traded justice03 for dog04 with arcangelus[776].
- Traded bride10 for maou12 with caitirin[777].
- Exchanged 1 Rank C Cert for loveless05.
- Traded loveless05 for seer05 with mobiuswolf[778].
- Traded dark20 for maou03 with manaka_baku[779].
- Traded axe08 and snacks02 for seer20 and seer19 with mobiuswolf[780-781].

Activity logs 1 2 || Trade logs 1 2 3|| Card Post || Mastered Decks 1 2 3 || Badges

trade logs, tcg_exchange

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