Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap!!

Jun 10, 2010 11:09

 Two weeks and two days from today I'll be wed.  Whoa.  You know, in all those cheesy toast people give about how they never thought their friend would EVER get married....  Well, I really, seriously, never thought I would.  And I'm having a moment of not believing my dumb luck that it's finally happening.  I'm so happy, and so in love.

And all the bullshit with family and friends is starting to fade.  The people that are here and coming make me so happy, and, of those that can't come, there are only a few (Susan and Sarah in particular, but a couple aunts, etc) that I will truly miss.  There are a couple that suddenly can't come that, well, I think my day (and life) will be better without them.  Moving on.

All these months it's been hurry and do this, find time for that, where will we get the money for the following....  But now, finally, and gratefully, things are happening, the anticipation is turning into, well that's done, we have that, we don't need those....  And all the tension is leaving.  And I feel so much better.

I was being so pressured by people to cater to them, and I was so upset by the people that chose not to move hell and high water to be here, and agonized over the implications of not inviting my "dads" that I was genuinely concerned I wasn't going to enjoy my own wedding.  Me, being the over thinker I am (and attempting to be logical, your welcome Mr Spock) knew that the things that I was fretting about, losing sleep about, and pulling hair out over were going to be trivial at some point.  Possibly, in my future, I would look back and not even remember them.  I just didn't expect that veil to lift so soon.  I know there will be many more moments, details, and drama in the next couple weeks.  But now I face them armed with the knowledge that I will not be buried by them.  That I have people around me now that truly care, and James will always talk me off a ledge without belittling me or making me feel like a burden.  Even first thing in the morning.

So, fun things left to do (there is some busy work, but not a lot.  Yey for not procrastinating for the first time ever....).  I've been planning on wearing my old, blue, slip on sneakers things.  They are like flats, but look similar to sneakers....  whatever.  Anyway, that kills the old and blue, the dress is new, so I was just looking for something borrowed.  Then I started thinking about these fabulous mud boots I saw at Ace.  They are brightly colored and printed.  And FABULOUS.  And I could wear them after the wedding for working in the garden or at the farm.  I heart them.  So I think I'll go try some on next week and see how much they are.  Sunny comes in about a week and a half, which is exciting.  We will try to finish up everything, including getting the house ready for family, but we are going to do manis, pedis, and massages.  I'm also thinking about taking her somewhere fancy for brunch one day as a special thing for bride/maid....

The point, and the end, of the post is this:  I'm finally excited.  And so excited I'm like a gnat.  All buzzing around, annoying people, but oblivious to it.....
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