
Jun 10, 2009 00:12

I was never a Bush fan and I'm not an Obamabot either. I gave Obama a shot, the man's a failure. He's a sad, sorry sack of shit. Do I sound bitter? Well perhaps I am because it's the same old shit. Makes promises and breaks them except the man tried to act like he was Heinz 57 and then we crack open the bottle and it's ketchup. Granted I wasn't expecting much out of the man to begin with. I was willing to give him a chance but I'm not surprised at the outcome.
Frankly Obama makes Bush good in his fiscal spending and that's not a compliment. Whenever you hear a complaint they say they inherited it. I'm sorry but after all the money you've thrown at the problem the excuse is no good. If the money was towards setting up small businesses all across the country coupled with industry making things in the U.S. this would be a real start in helping our economy thrive again. Couple that with advertising this all over the airwaves along with the new things made in the U.S. as well as the brands and you have a finish or one heck of a start.
The issue there is that makes sense towards spurring the economy and really reviving it. The goal of all this was to loot and pillage the economy, further consolidating the wealth and crippling the middle class. Couple that with the extra spending to the point of critical mass and the economy is crushed. After this immediately happens the only people with wealth in the Middle Class will be those that wisely invested in gold, silver, copper and land. Perhaps there might be something substantive with food stockpiled of quality Organic stuff instead of Victory gin and the like as well. I suppose firearms might also still have some worth.
Anyway the regular people's new wealth after this will be shit as well as the wage. Our Constitution will mean nothing since it will be a North American Union one. After all, the EU has one. Anyone starting to get the point now? The EU's is 11,000 pages. Now this is to make the Constitution seem LESS like a Constitution and more like a contract between two willing parties. This sounds better then you unwillingly gave up your countries sovereignty to join something not necessary to begin with. I mean we have all sorts of natural resources here, why the fuck do we truly need to trade?! Can someone answer me that with a straight face? We can grow Hemp, trees, cotton. We have Iron, Coal and Oil. This is nothing but a farce to think of it being legit. This is a manufactured crisis.
I advise protest and throwing the bums out of office. Basically I believe in following any and all peaceable means to deal with this before we must do worse and eject them with a minimum of force. But before let us do all we may peaceably.
I will say however if it is seen to be considered to have the internet compromised(I refer to the Internet being down) if we can not peaceably convince them to bring it back, including a threat of recall and impeachment and the like, then the minimum force necessary must be applied to bring it back online. The airwaves have been brought back to the public with truly everyone's voice to be heard, the power to allow this. We will not have this taken from us again. Such an act is intolerable and inexcusable regardless of whatever is spoken to this.
I leave this journal entry with something for you people to truly ponder. We have two choices: we can live in a society of extraordinary security where everything you do is judged and tracked. If you resist or challenge you will either be re-educated, imprisoned or killed. The other choice is we have a chance to live in a society where borders almost don't exist anymore. I refer to having a truly open exchange of information between us all, unmolested by our governments where we see each other as human beings.
Bottom line, there is no middle ground as the former is being heavily forced on us. I also believe there is an extraordinary and beautiful experiment to be seen in the latter, something unprecedented. This would truly be a direction we have never taken before.
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